my glass was always half full

1 minute read time.
Well, it has been sometime since I posted my profile. So I now feel it is high time to update it. I have now been clear for almost 4 years. Despite losing my husband to bowl cancer 18 months ago, I decided that i had to carry on living to the best of my ability. Last year, 2008, i decided to try to start rebuilding my life, so began with the decision to have a breast reconstruction. This went wrong after 8 weeks, due to a crease in the implant. So I had to have it completely undone. I came out of the hospital feeling like my life was heading down hill. Who would ever look at me again? No body i should think. So i found myself on the internet, adding myself to a dating site, what the heck was i thinking, but hay ho i let it run. Nothing interesting happened for 3 months. Then in December I met a most wonderful man. I could'nt believe that lightening could strike twice for good things. I was quite aware that it could strike twice when things were bad, but this was such a surprise to me. To have been married to such a wonderful guy for 26 years was amazing in its self. But to find yet another super guy seemed unbelievable. Anyway, Steve and I are getting married in June. Again, I never believed I could remarry but this is just so right. I am hoping to have my reconstruction completed before June, but have probs there because the pct are not sure they want to pay to have my good breast lifted to match the new one. But fingers crossed that when they meet on the 14th April, that they will approve the whole operation and things can get moving soon after. So please dont give up hope whatever your situation. There really is light at the end of the tunnel. I wish you all the very best. with much love
  • FormerMember

    Hi Debbie,

    I am of course sorry for the loss of your first husband and the trials you have faced in your life, however, what a wonderful story, Im so glad you have found love again.  You obviously deserve it, congratulations on your upcoming nuptuals.  I wish you continued good health and much happiness in the future!

    Indie xx

  • FormerMember

    Congratulations Debbie on being 4 years clear and getting married.  I'm sure there is even more for your to be grateful for, but I thank you very much for sharing your joy.



  • FormerMember

    Hello Debbie

    So nice to hear your good news

    Wishing you much happiness in your future married life


  • FormerMember

    Good to hear your good news on being clear for so long and also you news that you are getting remarried Congratulations

    Love Teri

  • FormerMember

    fantastic news       your story has uplifted me no end     ENJOY xxxx