Bad news

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How are you supposed to be when your told someone you love is going to die and there is notthing the doctors can do about it?

we were told yesterday that the cancer is too advanced and that there is nothing more the doctors can do. They have withdrawn all medication and fluids apart from his pain relief, so now its just a waiting game.

The Doctor told us that the cancer was so aggressive that chemo didn't work and my dad had a cancer that would not have responsed to radiotherpy.

I feel so alone even though many familes go through this every day. I just think they don't know my dad.

  • FormerMember

    im really sorry to hear this bad news :( there is no right or wrong way to feel.. you have to grieve now and you have to do it all over again.. its just horrible.. be there for your dad and make his life as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.. its the only thing that you can do right now.. take care xo

  • FormerMember

    Dear Emma, you can't stop your dad dying or his pain and suffering, things will never be the same again for you but you will go on - if your dad could speak he would very much want you to go on and live in his name and heart - we're all going to die, its the only thing in life we can be sure of the rest is an adventure of pain, sorrow, laughter, joy, gratefulness, love.  Love is a very powerful thing and your love for your dad will always be there - he needs to know you will be okay.  Hug him, love him and let him go.  You will one day be okay and glad of your life which he gave you.  I wish you strength and I wish your dad peace.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emma,

    Very sorry yo hear about your Dad.  But Nutcracker summed it all up in her comment. She wrote it as she sees it and shes not far wrong. You look after yourself,

    and give your Dad a gentle hug from me.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Nutcracker that was a beautiful explanation Emma  Be strong for ure Dad. Thinking of you.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emma, I was where you are just over a year ago and I know how horrible and helpless a feeling it is.

    Like the others have said, just be there for your dad. Spend as much time as possible with him. Talk to him and hold his hand and let him know you love him. When my dad was near the end I told him I loved him, not something we often did as a family. His face lit up and I will never forget how happy he looked before he fell back asleep.

    My heart goes out to you hun. Take each day as it comes. I wish you and your family all the very best.

    Christine xx