Darren's Pelivc Tumour

2 minute read time.
Date October 30th 2008 - i enjoyed a nite out with my wife and daughter attending an engagement party. Quite a few drinks were had but something strange happened when i was trying to wee, i couldn't. Silly me though i needed to drink more water which only made it worst. Eventually about 4am i rang my dad and Sarah my wife dialled 999 i was in agony i couldn't pee. Gas and air in the ambulance every bump causing me more pain - i was rushed into the crash suite were a very kind nurse put in a cathetar and started to drain out the wee. The day passed more and more urine was passed into the cathetar some nice doctors felt up my bum and asked me some questions, how did this happen etc. I said i think i have been having a little difficult weeing for some time, it seems to come out quite slow. Sarah came to see me just as i was being admitted, then i stayed one night in Wigan Hospital. In the morning the urologist consultant again felt up my bum which really hurt, he decided to remove the cathetar and to check if i could pee normally. I spent all morning filling up bottles of wee. A nurse checked how much wee was in my bladder using an ultrasound and then i was discharged. I didn't see a consultant again until February, he examined me and then said i should have had a urodynamics test and a cystosocpy. The urodynamics was in early March it proved something was obstructing the bladder the cystosocpy showed that my bladder was beind distorted by somthing. I was sent for a CT scan. At the end of March i had a CT scan at Wigan an appt in April i was shown that there was a mass in my pelvis that was unclear what it was except it was pushing my bladder to the right. The urologist consultant referred me to Professor Clarke at Christies. It was only then that i started to fear i had cancer, i was ok at first because i wasn't in any pain. When i eventually saw the consultant it was in June yes thats right all those weeks passed. During that time between my visit at Chrisities i had started to get pain in my groin and hip and started to take pain relief tablets. I was now off work. On 18th June, the consultant said i had Liposarcoma and that it was too large to operate on and therefore he couldn't help me. I sat with my dad in shock, the 19th June i was due to have a biopsy done, how could he know for sure i had cancer.. He said that he was referring me to Doctor Wylie at Christies as i would probably require Radio. My mum and dad took Me, Sarah and my daughter Lucy away for the weekend between my next appt. As is prepared myself for having radio. The results of my biosposy was discussed 14th July it was low grade and so it wouldn't respond to chemo or radio. Again i was stuck for what to say. But glad that it was unlikely to have spread as i was fearing that it may have spread to my lungs or somewhere else. Dr Wylie suggested that i needed to have a 2nd opinon, and that i should referr to Professor Thomas at the Royal Marsden in London. I agreed. Last Friday 7th of August i met with Professor Thomas and much to my relief he has agreed to remove it.