Dazed and confused...

  • On the way to a decision...


    I've got to the point where the choices have been narrowed down to two:

    a.) egg freezing + a full hysterectomy

    b.) full hysterectomy 

    I am about 90% sure I will go for the latter. 

    I'm still heart-broken but the depression I was feeling has alleviated *ironically* since the arrival of my period; it's probably the combination of the dust settling and the lessening of hormones that has left me feeling like I can cope…

  • Questions


    I'm in an emotional place similar to the one I found myself in when my Dad died: there is this briefest moment of relief when you wake up and there is no emotional pain what so ever... Then those few seconds get destroyed because 'you remember' that life has now changed and the pain comes flooding in. 

    This is the background...
    The last few weeks have been hell. Six weeks ago I was admitted into hospital with…