The yellow brick road helped me cope with cancer !

25 minute read time.

Well I found out I had cancer and couldnt sleep, came down staairs logged onto computer to find some information on my condition.  As i logged onto Google, in the google logo the wizard of oz picture was inset in the logo, it has always been a special film of mine,  but i sat in the dark, 2 am and thought what am i going to do, am i going to die, i have to fight it.  

Where can i get the strength, thought I needed to go down a pathway to reach the end and thought hey what a good ideal turn it around be positive and friends and family can pick  a character and we will skip along the road together.  Hope you enjoy my blog xxx Dawnief

Steve partner - steve is the tin man, he reminded me of him when he had the tears rolling down his cheek for days after I was disagnosed.  I also thought not many characters in the film so might have to double up on the characters or you can make up your own but i want to know why you chose the character

Aimee Daughter - I am Glinda, The Good Witch Of The North. I was there to greet Dorothy at the start of her journey in my magic bubble and used my wand to transfer the red sparkly slippers onto her feet to help her skip down The Yellow Brick Road. I will be there to steer Dorothy every step of the way to Emerald City to find the Wizard... of Oz..  It is my greatest wish that my beautiful Dorothy gets home. I will help her find even the tiniest speck of light when going through the dark enchanted forest. I will banish the Wicked Witch’s evil spells and promise to conjure up a snow storm when the poppies make her weary or sleepy. I am here to remind Dorothy of the power she has to make it home.  I will tell her every day how much I love her and be there for her no matter what.  I am not just a Good Witch, but a Guardian Angel who can always be summoned in her times of need.  And most importantly, I will teach her how to close her eyes, tap her heels together three times, and chant  "There's no place like home.

Leanne sister - You will find me skipping down the yellow brick road, holding Dorothy's hand as I go. I am a loving, strong, loyal, maternal heffalump who, as is my way, will take care of the herd - with my brood.  I have to be the mother hen, it's only natural!!  I couldn't match myself to any of the original characters, and as I am a ...modern, strong-willed and minded woman, just like my big sis, I thought I would adapt the story to suit our plight!  Ok on with our story: Although we may meet some monsters on the way, holding hands together, with our hearts and minds strong, we will tootle on past without a backwards glance. When we reach the end of the road, which will happen, and we are granted our wish, we will all sing! (cos in this story, I can sing!! :D) and our wonderfully brave, courageous and beautiful Dorothy, will then tap the heels of those gorgeous red shoes three times and find her way back home - and when she wakes up with us all by her side, all will believe it was but a dream.

Sharla neice -  I will be the Witch of the East, there to spread happiness and joy to Dorothy. I will grant many wishes to Dorothy and Toto and hold her hand the whole way home, not letting go until the very end of her journey. I will be the one to banish the Wicked Witch of the West from causing trouble, and I will make sure my beautiful Dorothy returns safe and sound. A path of fairydust and magic will lead the way. Love you loads

Allana neice - I will be the second Toto and I will make sure every step you take is filled with love xx

Keisha neice - Heffa and Sid are putting forward our wee princess Keisha for the part of a very cute, cuddley and giggley munchkin.  She will bring a smile and loads of love to a very special and wonderful Auntie, and will help her mummy, daddy, big sister's and brother, support Dotty alllll the way! xxxxxx

Nick work mate - I'm going to be Unc Nunkie because he's the elderly Munchkin known for speaking primarily in one-word, monosyllabic sentences, though he very occasionally made a "long" speech using two, that'll be me at the Manager's Meetings then with my frequent sentences of "boll**ks!" and the occasional long speech of "fu*k that!" xxx Keep smiling Dorothy

Andrea friend - I am your ever faithful dog Toto, I will be with you every step on your journey along the yellow brick road and safely back. I will be at your side whenever you whistle. I am a strong dog and will listen if you need to shout or moan or just chat along the way.

Julie  work mate - wants to be glinda no 2, aimee no 1 spot though, she is loyal, hardworking and makes life a lot easier for dorothy. she would go to the emerald city but stops off to check on the repos first !!!

Nadia friend - well Dawny i am gonna be your shiny red shoes, because without me you aint gonna get very far, and i will stay bright and shiny the whole way through this journey and keep you safe, so you dont get any nasty thorns in your feet lol!!!

Mike aimees boyfriend -Mikeyyy wants to be one of the little munchkins ( ironic i know as i have huge muscles and couldnt be little ;) ) becausee they live in Ozz and know the area and if you ever get lost on your way to find the wizard i can help you find your way back to the yellow brick road!

Heather friend - I'll be one of the beauticians and manicurists in Oz.. It would be good and such a treat to have a pamper once you reach the Emerald city xx

Maria - Mikes mum   Well Dawn I'll double up as a Scarecrow with you every step of the way, mind you my legs feel like straw at the moment so we may have to hyjack a wheel barrow and when we reach Emerald City maybe both are dreams will come true.

Roger friend -Well I've unconventionally decided to be the sun ! Bright, warm and always shining on a sunny day, but making colourful rainbows when the days are dull xx

Donna friend - My character ohhhhh gosh a bit part that appears when you don't expect me, I will carry those shoes when you need to relax. I will smile and bring a giggle or two when I slip over, a bit like the lion whose tail scares him giggle..... I shall tidy up behind you ensuring your path is clear of any mess, now where did I put my feather duster? xx

Jordanne aimees friend - I'm going to be the scarecrow because it's going to be a no brainer conquering this :) xx

Dave ex hubbie -  . . and I shall be known as The Cowardly Lion. He travelled with Dorothy to the Emerald City looking for courage, and the Wizard helped him acquire it.  He is loyal and brave, and willing to act as bodyguard on this journey. He will be more than willing to chase away the Wicked Witch of the East  as we search again for the Wizard we met once before.
But he's the first to admit that he's still scared sometimes

Jimmy friend - i am the wizard because i stay at the end of the yellow brick road there is good news, you will come home full of happiness

Rob friend - I am Professor Marvel the fortune teller who can see the yellow brick road ahead and whats over the rainbow.I will be here for you during your journey .Any predictions wanted let me know.

Sharla update - Okay, so the fairy godmother spent 3 hours singing and dancing today, sprinkling fairydust everywhere and was told about a certain headteacher being slopped on with green sludge! But this sludge is MAGIC sludge, and has given Sid and his family the power to make wishes. We all thought very hard, and decided our wish was to be spent on the lovely, BEAUTIFUL Dotty :) P.S. I love the sparkling red shoes... anytime you need a polish, I'm here :D xxxxxxxxx

Dawn couldn't sleep - Dotty has woken up and decided to go into the forest to see if anyone is awake, looks very dark and she cannot even hear a mouse. Looks like no onearound to come out to play !

Aimee - on my hospital appt -
well today, the flying monkeys sent dorothy a magic message summoning her to their lair for a meeting. The meeting will take place on monday and while dorothy is in this mysterious meeting, glinda, heffalump, tinman, lion, scarecrow 1 & 2, the fairy god mother, toto 1 & 2, the sunshine and the rainbow, professor marvel, the manicurist, sid, the shoes and the shoe carrier and all of the little munchkins will be waiting anxiously for news of the meeting. It will determine the future of our journey down the yellow brick road and on behalf of everyone i would love to wish dotty all of the best for monday! i'll be sprinkling some lucky pixie dust :):):):):):) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl

Leannes update - and when Dotty has finished that meeting, and the one next friday, things will become clearer and Dotty and those that are on this journey with her will know exactly what kinda journey we will have to take! Fingers, toes, legs and arms crossed for good news! love you both xxxxx

Dawn Hospital -Yesterday Dotty met the funny photographer who took some lovely pictures of her, alas there was no bottle of chablis as anticipated, just some loopy juice, which i might add wasnt very nice, although it did light me up so they could see the real me.  I posed and pouted to make sure my pictures were fabulous, but they wouldnt let me see them !!  How very rude those funny photographers are, I want to be on the billboards, on screen, famous!  Maybe Friday when my next meeting with them they will have my proofs ready.

Dawns appointment at Hospital - her few steps on that yellow brick road, dotty and tin man skipped along the yellow brick road, till we found doc twigg, we thought he was one of them little dwarfs from snow white, but when he stood up he was as tall as a tree, good name !!  bit scary looking to me mind, not sure I would like to re-aquaint with him again, but hey ho, you cant like everyone you meet.  Well a few moments later he turned into a vampire and sucked the blood out of me, no not my neck the weird man wanted it outta of me arm !!!  I fled the forest clicked my lovely red shoes and we went on our way. ha relief !!!

Dawn update hospital again - Oh my god met doc twigg again, I am sure someone has been watering his roots, god is he big, scary and he has the biggest twiggs I have seen (hands)  !! Anyway he introduced glinda and my goodself to his lovely assistant, not sure of her name my ears were a little blocked, think her name was nurse ry rhyme, what a funny name.  Anyway she listened to dotty and glinda, wrote down loads of my secrets such personal details she wanted, then she cast a spell, she turned into the wicked witch and made glinda go light headed and wobbly. Oh dear she then threw her on the bed, put a mask on her face and scared the living daylights of us both, then she gave her biscuits and a drink of milk!  Hhy dotty got nowt, no drink, no biscuits :-( why not me, i needed some energy to pick me !!! Anyway, we slid to the north side of the yellow brick road then did a runner, go go go !!!

Dawn hospital visit - Well dotty is getting read for another meeting with the funny photographer, i must be famous, two sessions in a week. I wonder which billboard I will be plastered on !! Which country: rome, venice, london, erhh Middlesbrough is that it !  gawd strewth I thought i was a top model. The strange thing is, with this brief, i cant wear make up, jewellry, no designer clothing with diamond beading, my timex watch ??? what am I too wear ???? I want to look good, I want to be famous.   Right folks i got it: i might just wear my designer red shoes, yes my mind is made up the shoes it is !!!!

Dawn hospital update - Well Dorothy is about to start the next phase, meeting the funny photographer, he will give me a drink to light me up inside (hope is tastes nice, like a good chablis) and see if i have some sausages and eggs (intestines and ovaries) and how well cooked they are !!!   Hope they havent gone off !!!   Next will wait till Friday for the next big one where they see if i am actually the scarecrow and dont have a brain !!! (think we already know this one),  I will remember my three rainbows I saw last friday and know what to find at the end of the rainbow = 3 pots of gold = I wish.

Aw my lovely daughter - on me,

 I will be there for you
When it seems, all your hopes and dreams
Are a million miles away, I will re-assure you
Don't believe in all that you've been told
The sky's the limit you can reach your goal
No-one knows just what the future holds
There ain't nothing you can't be
There's a whole world at your feet
We've got to all stick together
Good friends, there for each other
Never ever forget that
I've got you and you've got me
So Reach for the stars
Climb every mountain higher
Reach for the stars
Follow your hearts desire
Reach for the stars
And when that rainbow's shining over you
That's when your dreams will all come true

I LOVE YOU MUMMY :):):):):) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Donna friend update - 

I love your red shoes, hold on spot of dust now where is my duster? Stand still yep got it. Oh students on the yellow brick Road brush them off giggle.  Need to get the paint out for those flowers their colours have slightly faded with the sun shine.  Anything else, should I order for my resource basket.?  Oh I know Tin man drank too much of my giggle juice, he will end up with a big stitch in his tin tum where he has laughed so much.  Right off to the resource shop, chat soon lots and lots of chick hugs which I have all the time Miss Useful Resource Lady (Miss Resource for short)xxx
Dawn visits Sister & Family - Dotty decided that she needs to go see the daft heffa, sid, and the rest of the gang, and yes stew pot is included (the new rabbit).  A detour off the yellow brick road, turn left, turn right oh my god i am lost !!!  Nnver mind Glinda and the munchkin are clicking at my heels and guiding me the right way. Arrived safely, Siddhartha, has filled my wicker basket with goodies to eat, mind the soup did leak through the wicker, never mind, the bread soaked it up. After my meal I was given a nice refreshing fruit drink made from grapes, now that is novel !!  So after a sip had lots of hugs and had a catch up with heffa, sid, good witch of the east, toto2 and munchkin and a lick from stew pot. 
I have clicked my lovely red shoes and amazingly the house is work is done, leaving us enough time to try and find some food for sid as he has shed his buddha belly as it is really warm here !! heffa needs some water for her trunk as its a little dry and needs lubricating. I need some new heels on my red shoes as I have worn them out travelling this far !
Sister update - Okie Dokie.....Heffa, Sid, the fairy godmother, too and munchkin are off camping for the next week down in a wonderful place called Cheddar! The sun may not shine, and the rain may try to dampen our spirits, but as we all know, this family is tough and we will battle on through the week. I may not be able to visit the yellow brick road whist on my travels, as my iphone appears to not support this very worthy cause (must be due an upgrade soon Sid?? :-) Lol) but I will be chatting and texting Dotty each and every day to ensure she knows how much we all love her, and that I am here for her.
Sister update - Upon Heffa's return from the deepest darkest woods, in Cheddar Gorge, following some serious cheese munching, as it would have been a wee too smelly to bring back for Dotty to put in her basket, Heffa decided that Dotty deserved some serious special support and that there were not anywhere near enough animals giving her some tlc. Heffa deceided to find a wee cute bunny to join the support party.  I introduce the cutest and snugglest and most loving wee fella that you will ever meet (and he is such a mummy's boy already), Coco the bunny rabbit (aka Stew pot). He will give you lots of love and make you smile, and whilst you skip along the yellow brick road, he will playfully hop alongside you!
Sister again - So following on from Sid's kind deed, Heffa and gang then lit a candle in every church we visited and also in the Wells and Bath cathedral (Dotty has all eyes on her now!! :) Whilst Heffa was away, she made sure that she texted and rang Dotty each and everyday, so that Dotty could benefit from the lovely singing voice that Heffa has been blessed with (come on guys, remember that in my tales, I can really sing!!:)) (erhh she cant)  Heffa was given updates and thinks Dotty was very brave whilst she was with the photographers.
Actually there is another wee tale to add to the above saga. Just after we lit a candle in Wells Cathedral, we came out and were all skipping up the road, when our wee munchkin asked if she could gave a very poor looking lady with a colletion bowl some money.  When I approached, I realised she was singing "somewhere over the rainbow...". So we donated a few pennies into her pot to show her we cared!  How lovely it was to hear the song!  Obviously Heffa sang along joyfully, entertaining all those surrounding them, until The fairy godmother had enough and waved her magic wand to silence poor wee Heffa, :( x
Leanne Again - So, Heffa, Sid, Munchkin, Toto and the fairy godmother have all been on holiday, and managed to smile lots, even through all the storms!!! Whilst away, Sid made Heffa cry, as he put a message up in St Andrews Church in Wells, asking for people to pray for Dotty during this tough ol' time! Now those peeps that know Sid, will know just what this means, and therefore can I say thank you to Sid, from the bottom of my heart!  Moving on
Dawns update -  and dotty thanks sid too, i have to face up to soo much but with all my little helpers i am sure we will all wake up back where we started !! and i love skipping now and i love rainbows !!!
Aimees A level results - Glinda, The Good Witch Of The North is getting a little bit confused with her alphabet, she is saying A, A, B, C, bitter of a stutter on her i thinks, she is stopping at the school house to pick up her belongings as she is off up north on the yellow brick road with her favourite munchkin. How clever are they !!!
Leannes response - Aimees exam - Glinda is currently waving her magic wand and chucking magic fairy dust about to ensure that her dreams come true.  But whatever happens, and where she ends up, she will always be our Glinda and will shine like the brightest star in the sky! soooo proud of you! x
Donna update - I have just purchased some red shoe polish for those lovely shoes.  Poor Tin man was sitting on the side a bit stiff so perked him up with some oil and also a bit of giggle juice. Scarecrow all that jumping up and down you need tidying up.  Lion my cat will not do you any harm she just found your tail interesting there there big chick hug from me. Oh dear need to mop up the puddles we don't want wet feet or paws. Polishing the sun shine there thats better. Ok must scoot off catch up with you all soon.
Dawn on an off day - well todays episode of the yellow brick road is ....... dotty has skipped too hard down the yellow brick road and needs to stop for a rest, that daft heffa tried to soak me with her trunk and i got all wet, and now have a cold, am sat shivering. Tin man to the rescue !!!!!! make me something to eat and give me a great big hug as i am feeling so sorry for myself today !!
Pick me up from Sis - 
The daft Heffa did no such thing.....she made you feel better!  Your cold and flu like symptoms were actually a reaction to the fairy/magical dust thrown around the kitchen by Glinda.  She claimed to be helping me with the Banana Loaf! And. you being you, developed a bloody allergy for magical dust!!!  Stop bleeding sniffling, blow your nose and quickly develop some sort of resistance to it, cos I have it on good authority from both Glinda and your fairy godmother, that there is gonna be truck loads of the dust being thrown around!! Ohhhh perhaps we should called you Rudolf????  Wrong story sorry !
Sister - Heffa the elephant is packing her trunk to say goodbye to middlesbrough....Lalalala - gosh I am soooo good at this singing thingy!  But I have left a lovely looking banana loaf cooking in the oven so Dotty can put it in her basket with her lippy and umbrella to keep her spirits up and energy levels high!  Glinda did use some of her magic with me and threw fairy dust allll over the kitchen. Dotty thought it was flour, little did she know! :)  Magic really is all around her!  Love you loads and loads Big Sis!!  Thank you for the hug.hope it has helped you as much as it helped me. See you soon and remmeber i am skipping down the yellow brick road with you always x
Wedding Invite - Well update from yesterday, dotty travelled to Grinkle Forest and had a great day, did you know they served alcoholic drinks in the forest, well i must admit i had a few too many, and guess what ............... I got back home missing one of my red sparkly slippers, how i dont know !!! Tte fireworks lit up the yellow brick road allegedly, but i cannot remember that, so if anyone finds my red sparkly slipper please return it as soon as possible or else i will be hopping down my yellow brick road.
Nadia friend -  ohh how could you loose one of my nice shiny red slippers!!! i hope there a good pedicure centre in Emerald City cause we dont wanna be getting blistery feet, we just set off lol!!!!!!!
Donna friend - I am sure whilst clearing up hidden in the flower beds is your lost shoe, I'll hold on to it until you need it, oh and I have my fist aid box at hand just in case, as Leanne will tell you I am the accident prone so plenty of cotton wool and perhaps bubble wrap to prevent those bumps.
Well thats it folk hope we made you laugh x

Mark brother in law - I'm the character they missed out; already sitting in full lotus position at the end of the rainbow. My name is Siddhartha, but you can call me Sid. I'm there. Like a rock. Come Hell or high water. And let's face it, Hell and high water abounds right now! The rich tapestry of life. Stay strong

  • FormerMember

    you sure made me laugh must have been up all night hun writing that ive been up all night chemo wed and im suffering sweats firy face wheezing breathlessness you name it 2nd chemo and im struggling oh well sure its the steroids thats causing the problems stay positive babe love yer blog yer mad lol!!!! love n hugs jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    I set up the group on facebook in August so just copied and pasted it all, but it did help me, made me laugh, cry, got all my family and friends love and support and i felt like they were behind me skipping down that yellow brick road together.  I

    Just an idea to take other peoples mind off it too. Keep busy.  I also think that if I didnt do that blog i wouldnt have known how much they cared it let them express their feelings in a humourous way ! I felt very lucky.

    So glad you liked it, and yes I am made as are some of my family lol xxxx

    Gud look with your chemo on Wednesday honey, give them your symtoms and they might be able to give you something to stop they symptoms.

    loads of hugs dawnie xxxx

  • FormerMember

    hi hun thanks dawnie will do im trying to keep busy mind you with my lot always plenty cleaning up teenagers are worse than ever when they were wee at least you could send them to bed fat chance of that now im in bed before them more often than not wheezing has sort of slowed down i aint taking the streroids they can shove them where the sun dont shine lol love n hugs jen xxx

  • FormerMember

    awe Dawn what a lovely blog. Thanks for sharing it with us all.

    Love Rosie