The Headaches

2 minute read time.

At the end of August, the bank holiday Monday, David was doing some DIY work and banged his head (quite hard), I didn't think anything of it, did the cold compress and checked for a bump - nothing and he said I was making a fuss about nothing. It turned out this was true, but he didn't know that at the time!

On the Tuesday he came home with a bit of a headache, and took a couple of paracetamols. Over the next week the headache remained, but he managed to go to work and said it was probably that he needed his eyes tested, I joked that it was just that he didn't want to do his first full week since returning to work.

Over the weekend the headache increased in intensity, and paracetamols didn't help to clear it, he stayed in bed as his head felt like it was splitting apart when he tried to move.

I said he should go to the GP, he said he was fine, I told him if he was fine he would go to work, so on the Thursday and Friday of the second week he got up and went to work, but on the Friday he was sent straight home again - he can't remember going to work or how he got home, and I hope he didn't do anything important while there.

I made a GP appointment for him on the following Monday, he spent the weekend in bed and he didn't want to eat or drink because that meant he would have to move to get to the toilet. He didn't have a choice I took him to the GP, she said it was neurological and suggested a couple of things it could be, she did a referral letter for him and a sick certificate for four weeks. We went back to the GP on 30th September, the headaches were getting worse and we needed another sick certificate, we had a letter come through for a neurology appointment at the end of October, I said I was considering taking him to A&E to see if we could get a scan. The GP made a couple of phone calls and found out she could refer David directly, she got him a scan on the 1st October (the next day). We went to the hospital for the CT scan and they found a mass we were taken into the medical GP unit for the results, David was put onto Steroids, which made him start to feel better and admitted onto a ward.
