
1 minute read time.

This week David has constipation.

I appreciate that it is painful, I have suffered from it myself. But I had to get on with everything as normal, cooking, cleaning and looking after the kids.

David on the other hand, has taken to bed.Groaning about how bad his stomache ache is and not helping himself to get better. He dosen't want to eat or drink because that means moving and pain and nausea.

He woke me around 4am on Tuesday morning and was actually being sick mainly bringing up liquid. He normally just makes reaching noises, and doesn't bring anything up since his operation for oesophageal cancer.

He was bad throughout Tuesday, but didn't want to eat or drink anything. Initially he didn't want his steriods in case he couldn't keep them down, but his head was so bad that I insisted he took them for the sake of me and the kids.

Towards Tuesday evening he started to feel a bit better and managed to get comfy and have some sleep. He awoke me on Wednesday around 6am making the reaching noises, but not bringing anything up. Again he didn't want to eat or drink despite my efforts to try and get him to eat as this ultimatly should help him.

Thursday morning I suggested calling the doctor, he said it wasn't worth it. Mostly he slept but still wouldn't eat or drink much.

Friday, still not eating or drinking, can't bear this anymore so called the GP anyway. She has given me a prescription for luxtose so hopefully this will help. Gave him a dose Friday evening, another this morning (Saturday) and a third this evening.

Still complaining of stomach pains, comes over in waves. Hasn't been to the loo. Still not eating or drinking despite the fact that I cooked roasted vegetables tonight.

Men !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't honestly know how much longer I can continue with having to run up and down the stairs to check on him and trying to stop the kids squibbling with each other because my attention is on him.

It wouldn't be so bad if he would at least help himself by trying to eat a little bit, or by keeping his fluids up.


  • FormerMember

    The GP has been out and checked hubby over.

    He needs to get his fluid and calorie intake up, then he will feel better.

    She has told him off for laying in bed and not eating and said if he doesn't eat how can he expect to poo?

    If he doesn't show signs of improving (which means he has to start eating and drinking) then she will need to admit him to hospital to get them to re-hydrate him.


  • FormerMember

    Phew, hang in there, Sue... you are doing an amazing job!! It is really really hard caring for someone- my mum died of cancer and I used to sometimes just wish she would hurry up about it and get soooo frustrated with her at times, so don't ever feel guilty or feel you have to justify yourself eh? I think you are a star and deserve oh I don't know, medals are a bit crap really aren't they? a big treat? a holiday with me on the sofa of doom??

    Wish I could pop round and talk poo with him.... oh and grasshoppers! we could while away a few hours over some rehydration (does G&T count?) and give you a break... I could show him mine ha ha

    Little My xxxx.