
1 minute read time.

This week David has constipation.

I appreciate that it is painful, I have suffered from it myself. But I had to get on with everything as normal, cooking, cleaning and looking after the kids.

David on the other hand, has taken to bed.Groaning about how bad his stomache ache is and not helping himself to get better. He dosen't want to eat or drink because that means moving and pain and nausea.

He woke me around 4am on Tuesday morning and was actually being sick mainly bringing up liquid. He normally just makes reaching noises, and doesn't bring anything up since his operation for oesophageal cancer.

He was bad throughout Tuesday, but didn't want to eat or drink anything. Initially he didn't want his steriods in case he couldn't keep them down, but his head was so bad that I insisted he took them for the sake of me and the kids.

Towards Tuesday evening he started to feel a bit better and managed to get comfy and have some sleep. He awoke me on Wednesday around 6am making the reaching noises, but not bringing anything up. Again he didn't want to eat or drink despite my efforts to try and get him to eat as this ultimatly should help him.

Thursday morning I suggested calling the doctor, he said it wasn't worth it. Mostly he slept but still wouldn't eat or drink much.

Friday, still not eating or drinking, can't bear this anymore so called the GP anyway. She has given me a prescription for luxtose so hopefully this will help. Gave him a dose Friday evening, another this morning (Saturday) and a third this evening.

Still complaining of stomach pains, comes over in waves. Hasn't been to the loo. Still not eating or drinking despite the fact that I cooked roasted vegetables tonight.

Men !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't honestly know how much longer I can continue with having to run up and down the stairs to check on him and trying to stop the kids squibbling with each other because my attention is on him.

It wouldn't be so bad if he would at least help himself by trying to eat a little bit, or by keeping his fluids up.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue

    I might be getting the wrong meaning of your blog but I got quite upset reading it as my husband recently died of OC and he suffered terribly with constipation due to the drugs and not being able to eat or drink most of the time.

    I know it is very hard caring for someone who is very ill and looking after children as well but I am sure your husband would rather not be ill and be able to eat and drink so please think about what you write on these blogs as people with Oc are desperate to eat and drink but most of the time they cant.i know it is probably all the stress that makes you think this way but after watghing my husband die in so much pain I found it very upsetting to read your blog.I am sorry if I this blog  the wrong way and my thoughts are with you yor husband and you children.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Marianne,

    I didn't mean to upset anyone, that certainly wasn't my intention.

    I get very frustrated that he chooses to not eat and drink because he dosen't want to move from the bed to go to the loo.

    I appreciate that he is suffering and in a great deal of pain, and it hurts me to see him like that, so I want to try and do what I can.

    He has stopped taking the codine coated tablets (which help with controlling the headaches) but reluctantly takes the dose of lactose stuff the GP prescribed, because it is a glass full of water (125ml).

    OC is awful, so is brain cancer. When he suffers with his reaching he starts getting bad indigestion, this with the headaches makes him moody and he takes it out on the kids and me and we don't even have to do anything, just be in the house.

    I know he would rather not be ill, I would rather he was not ill. But he is and there is nothing anyone can do to change that fact.



  • FormerMember


    My dad has a primary brain tumour and vomits/retches every morning due to intercranial pressure. It may be unrelated to the constipation??

    He also suffers bad constipation and spends his life in the loo waiting to "go". He is a typical British man in that he is obsessed with his bowels!

    Brain tumour patients should not get constipated as it raises the inter-cranial pressure. Dad has to go to hospital for an enema if he doesn't go for 48 hours.

    Hope all gets resolved soon.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Susan

    I hope I didn't upset you it is just that I am still grieving so much for my husband and hated seeing him suffer so much that the blog made it sound as if  you do not understand  completely the pain and suffering your husband is going through.I hope the constipation is getting better as Tom never moaned about any part of his illness but said that the constipation was the worse side effect he had ever experienced.


  • FormerMember


    My mother-in-law greived for 5 years after the death of her beloved husband, and only then because she had a stoke from which she never recovered and finally re-joined with him (that is her belief, and the last thing she did was beckon to him).

    It was only the birth of our third child (my youngest) that kept her going, I know because she told me so.

    I hope that you have close family to help you through what must be a difficult time.

    I know I can count on family members for support when our time comes, until then I try to make the most of what time we have left, and hate it when this diesease knocks my husband out like this and there is nothing I can do.

    Deli - I know what you mean, my hubby seems to obsess about his bowels. When they are working and when they aren't we have to listen to it all.

    Helen - might try and ask GP about the ex-prep then, that sounds just what he needs to shift things.

    He dosen't like the idea of an enema, or anything else being stuck up his backside :-0

    Thank you all for your comments.