A little rant

1 minute read time.

Just ignore this post. Just needed to get this out of my system.

My sister came round on Wednesday evening and said that some of the people who we used to do Ten Pin bowling with have been asking after how David is, and suggested that he come up to the bowling alley to say hello.

The league we bowled in start at 10pm at night, we have 3 young children who at the latest stay up till 9pm (except on new years eve). I would have to take them and David. Also David's walking is not very good, and he really struggles outside of the house. He would feel very uncomfortable, and the kids would play up because they would be very tired.

Why can't people think before they say things. She didn't have to ask about David going to the bowl, she should have thought about it and told them he was unable to do it.


I feel so drained and tired, I am losing patience with the children. I only have to do the weekly shopping for a couple of hours and I sleep for the afternoon. I have numerous blood test and there is nothing wrong - the GP told me I am normal!

How can sleeping every afternoon be normal???????

The kids were off school today because it is an inset day, and next week is Half term then the following Monday is ANOTHER inset day. Thats 11 days (including weekends) with the little monsters.

I can foresee that we will not make it, I have asked, begged, pleaded with them to be more co-operative and play nicely together, rather than keep arguing and fighting. I cannot be in the same room with them all the time I have other things I need to do such as housework and cooking. Not to mention running around after David!


Better go and try and finish getting the house tidy for tomorrow (family coming over for our daughters 10th birthday) and I have not been on top of things recently, much to David's annoyance - another side affect of the steriods he is more aware of what I am not doing never mind what I have been running around looking after him.

It amazes me how much crap comes through the door, and how quickly piles build up when you are not on top of sorting and binning the rubbish and filing the bills.


Rant over.

  • FormerMember

    Sue, I say rant, chat and rant all you want.

    You seem to be doing a fantastic job with everything - think about what you have got to deal with on a daily basis. I agree with Maureen that the majority of people don't understand, that's why it is good to vent how you feel on here.

    I hope Macmillan provide you with some support - the nurse that came to see my Dad yesterday was lovely.

    Keep posting x

  • FormerMember

    Sue, if all we can do is read  your blogs and it helps - then write, rant, shout, scream.  Reading between the lines I feel you are the pivotal person of the family.  The fact you feel so tired is the stress you are going through.  I wonder whether you could get the children into a play group of sorts a few times a week to give you a break.  Forget the 'bowls' incident, their tacklessness really isn't worth bothering about right now.  Let everyone who asks how YOU are know how you are feeling.  Thank god for your sister and her husband and don't be afraid to ask for more from them - they really do want to help support you and you should take it.  Now is not the time to say things are okay and I am managing - now is the time for the friends around you to come to the fore - you will certainly find out who the true ones are - and take whatever they offer.  If you fall down, and you already are, which is why you keep sleeping, who will look after your husband and children?  So make all enquiries you can, let the housework go (easier said than done, I know I've been there) and concentrate on being with your loved ones.   I wish you strength, Love Ann x

  • FormerMember

    I agree, your tiredness is completely due to the amount of stress you are under.  My kids are now not really kids, they are 17 and 22 so I am not under nearly as much stress regarding them but the I am looking after a husband with cancer and we both know the stress that brings so I get exhausted as well.  Dont worry about ranting, I think weve all done it, I know I certainly have.  I agree with Ann, let the housework go arrange playdates with the kids friends and you can reciprocate when youre feeling stronger and a little less tired.  At least if youve got them all of of the house for a few hours you can have some peace and you will appreciate them all the more when they get back (perhaps).  Julia xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue

    Ranting is good for you and we're all here to listen and sympathise.  I think everyone's said what I would have said already, but I just wanted you to know that I add my support to theirs.

    I don't have any children but caring for someone who is so ill can be draining because you feel so helpless.  John can be difficult too.  He is frustrated because he can't do much but very critical of me regarding the housework sometimes.  I think it goes with the illness and it must be even harder for you with three young children to care for.

    Maybe your sister was a bit thoughtless but when you don't have to live with it all the time, it can be hard to realise just how ill someone is (or perhaps they don't want to admit it).  John's daughter took him out one day and couldn't understand why he was so drained after a short time and wanted to come home and rest.  

    Thinking of you and sending you *hugs*,

    Madge x x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue, you really have got your work cut out haven't you hun!

    I hope David manages to get into the centre. I attended a day hospice during my chemotherapy and it was a wonderful place. We had tea and toast first thing, then at 11 o'clock had a drink (soft or alcoholic). Lunch was at 12 and afternoon tea and cakes was around half 2 before heading home. During the day we had painting sessions, massage, sing-songs and general chat and banter with all the other patients. We also had access to a doctor who attended every day. It will also provide some much needed respite for you.

    Such a shame that your doctor seems to be so unsympathetic towards your tiredness. I don't know if having a word with social work would have any success. They may be able to provide some child care for a short while to allow you some time to yourself, worth asking about.

    I hope things improve for you soon.

    Christine xx

    p.s. Never mind the small details of housework, I'm sure no-one is noticing. You have enough on your plate hun and the work will still be there tomorrow.

    Take care xx