Professional head on

1 minute read time.

Yesterday was not such a good day. Since the GP said it might be cancer last week - first day of new term I have been office based. I could hide behind my desk, not talk with anyone, look at computer and have headphones on to block out thoughts.

Yesterday I had to 'go out into the world'. Get out of the car and say 'Right put professional head on'. Do the job, focus... First appt not too bad although feels a bit of a fog at first and names of pupils I would normally recall are a little slower in returning. Have to put in further dates to see pupils and do some training - but will I be available? Don't think that way!

Next school. professional hat on but it is slipping a bit as i know the senco really well and she can tell i am not myself - I usually bounce in like a whirlwind - my schools think i am a bit of a nutter considering I am an 'adviser' lol. I think the taste in rather brightly coloured tights and nail varnish have helped create this persona. However, I have a rather sombre appearance in grey today - though the nails are grey too!

Today - let loose again but a bit more able to keep professional hat on. In fact this afternoon felt almost normal. Focus on other people - make sure the children are supported. Do my job. I love my job.

Came home to find a package had arrived with a rather cute cuddly bunny. I have two house buns - they are very good but being cuddled is not their thing - moulting everywhere they get an A; chewing my furniture and walls A* - making a mess in their house and mine A** so a cuddly bunny that is not going to protest has cheered me up no end - it has also given my other two a bit of a break from mummy cuddles.

Anyway enough of a ramble. I hope I can keep professional head on for rest of week and next.

  • FormerMember

    Put the bright tights back on and whatever the news, you can still laugh and be naughty sometimes oh and professional if you have to be :o) I am proof of that ha ha.

    I love house bunnies- my brother has one called Betty who ate my laptop cable last time I saw her but I forgive her cos she's a bunny...

    Do you know when you get some results?

    Big hug and distract yourself with what you love

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Little My

    I see gynae on Monday for another ultrasound. Who knows what they will do then? part of me hopes they say - ah it's nothing to worry about fibroids etc. the other half is thinking don't get hopes up xx

  • FormerMember

    PS searching out the mad tights

  • FormerMember

    Hi Daisy

    Glad to see your looking for the bright tights...and the cuddly bunny sounds wonderful.

    My friend had a cute bunny years ago, she thought it had something wrong with it as it had a lump come up between its legs....her Dad pointed out that she was a he (its balls had dropped) but Thumper....original I know...loved a cup of tea but would only drink out of a cup and saucer and slept in the dogs bed with the dog...

    Good luck for Monday, will be thinking of you x

    Shaz (((XX)))

  • FormerMember

    Hi Daisy,

    Throw your professional head away, and put your funny head on.  Just for the one day, I bet it will work wonders.

    If you dont feel like doing that, and you want to keep your professional head on.  All the best and good luck. If you cant find your tights you can borrow mine.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx