
Less than one minute read time.

I carried on as normal today. I went out with friends and did what I had to do.

I don't have a diagnosis. I don't know what is wrong. All I have been told is my symptoms could possibly indicate cancer. Do they realise just what they are saying when they use that word? They could also be a number of other conditions that are less 'serious' but my mind does not dare hope for fear of having them dashed.

I want to run away. I want to hide but know that I can't. I have another week to get through.

Friends said I was quiet today - that is unusual for me normally can't shut me up. I am usually the nutter, the 'naughty' one who makes stupid jokes.

Right pull myself together. Hold on to hope.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Dasiybun,

    Hello from a nutter, naughty one who makes stupid jokes... this is the worst time I know... but I promise that whatever they say, you will deal with it like we all do and I promise that your sense of humour and the nutter and the naughty one will come right back soon enough once the wait is over and I really really hope you don't have to play with us on here, but if you do, there are lots of nutters and naughty ones making stupid jokes who will be glad to hold your hand along the way and laugh and be naughty of course....

    You have every sympathy with the waiting...it is the worst bit at times I think and then afterwards you think what a waste of worry and time cos it doesn't change anything... I used to sing that que sera sera song very loudly during the waiting... but if you have read any of my other psycho blogs you will know it just does your nut in. No two ways about it, however you rationalise things....

    The words cancer and headf*** go hand in hand...  and I will keep things crossed for you that it is nothing rather than something and remember cancer is not necessarily the end of the world either... you read my blog didn't you?!

    Big hug to you

    Little My xxx

    ps if you want a bit of silly distraction, go to the 'for those with a warped sense of humour' thread and read it from start to finish.. that should keep you distracted and giggling for a little while or send you mad.. one or the other.. xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Little My - I have read your blogs!!

    Made me smile

    Here's hoping xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Daisy

    Little My is right...  lots of us here to natter to, some less nutty than others *coughs*

    Keep us posted on what they tell you, I hope it's nothing serious too, whatever the news is, we are here for you :)

    Ems xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Daisy

    Mmmm the bloody waiting game.....what a mare that is!!!  

    I think your entitled to an off day, dont you?...

    As LM and Ems have already said...always someone about to talk to...rant to..laugh with...and then there is the chat room....we met there a few days ago,.... makes my eyes roll trying to catch up when lots are in :)

    Heres hoping its all good love, and a big hug to keep you warm
