It's snowing again.

Less than one minute read time.

It's so strange that since Gary left me, time either seems to stand still or speed up.

Can it already be three weeks since Gary left me just a week before Christmas?

So much seems to have happened since then.  Christmas is a blur, and seems so far away.  I know I spent it with my grandchildren, but I remember little that happened.

I didn't mark the New Year, just went to bed at my normal time after taking a sleeping pill.

This morning I listed the things I need to do today, and was about to make a start when it started snowing.

Suddenly, I was back to that awful day when Gary fell asleep forever in his favourite chair.  Later I stood at the door as he was driven away into the cold snowy night.  The memories keep coming back. 

I know he is at peace and free from suffering, but somehow, today, that is little consolation.................

  • FormerMember

    Hi Daffie, I dont think I have begun to take on what has happend (Jack passed away on 22nd December) because I have had someone here since that day. My sister is staying till the weekend and everyday has been busy and exhausting, so I have had very little reflective time other than the middle of the night when i cant sleep. I remember at the end of my pregnacies (long time ago) that people would say 'wow those 9 months went quick' but I thought they had dragged. Its all relative - these last couple of weeks have flown by yet as from next monday when the kids go back to school and I'm alone, that will be the reality of my life. I am so sorry Daffie, I've waffled about me but i am so sad, for you, for all of us who have lost our loves to this desease.

    Clare x

  • FormerMember

    Waffle away Clare.

    Sadly, we are all facing the unknown.  I had my sister and various family members staying with me until yesterday.While it was nice to have their company, now I am glad to have some quiet time alone with my thoughts.

    As you say it's difficult to accept that we will never see them again.  So many times a day I think of thingsI would like to tell Gary.  Just the everyday trivia that we shared for 43 years.

    I am trying to take one day at a time and hoping that eventually there might be not a good day, just a slghtly better one would be a start

  • FormerMember

    hi daffie and claire just read your posts feeling so sad for you both xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Daffie I have just found out about Gary from this blog. I don't know where I was when it happened.

    Firstly please accept my sincere condolences. RIP Gary! Fly with the Angels!

    I lost my husband 5 years ago to Meso.

    You will never stop missing Gary but I promise you you will come through it all and things will get easier.

    It do's take time, don't let anyone tell you how long you should grieve because there is no set time. We are all different.

    People think I am over my loss but believe me I am not. I have just reinvented myself because I had to. The new me has learnt to move on. My heart will always belong to my husband but fortunately it is big enough to love 2 people.

    Take care of yourself Daffie. Give yourself as long as it takes to grieve.

    All the best love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Daffie,

    My thought are with you at this time. May Gary

    R.I.P. Look after yourselves .

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfieldxx