It's snowing again.

Less than one minute read time.

It's so strange that since Gary left me, time either seems to stand still or speed up.

Can it already be three weeks since Gary left me just a week before Christmas?

So much seems to have happened since then.  Christmas is a blur, and seems so far away.  I know I spent it with my grandchildren, but I remember little that happened.

I didn't mark the New Year, just went to bed at my normal time after taking a sleeping pill.

This morning I listed the things I need to do today, and was about to make a start when it started snowing.

Suddenly, I was back to that awful day when Gary fell asleep forever in his favourite chair.  Later I stood at the door as he was driven away into the cold snowy night.  The memories keep coming back. 

I know he is at peace and free from suffering, but somehow, today, that is little consolation.................
