
1 minute read time.

Today I handed in my notice at work - I only work part-time anyway - so that I can spend more time with Dad.  As my Mum has to go for her treatment for neuropathy every four weeks for a week Dad would be on his own and as we don't know how soon things are going to get worse we decided that this would be a good idea and give me a chance to spend some quality time with him too.

We went to the oncology department, got stuck in a load of traffic on the way to the hospital, dropped them off at the dept and then it took me another half an hour to find somewhere to park - rant over!  We saw Dads consultant who explained that he has Stage 4 Adenocarcinoma NSCLC (2cm tumour on left lung spread to lining of the lung).  He told Dad again that it was inoperable, Dad wanted to know how long he had and the consultant told him 2 - 12 months (approximately).

We waited and saw the Mac nurse who was very helpful. Dad wanted to know if it would spread to his heart as he thought that would make him die quicker but unfortunately she said it usually goes to lymph nodes, bones, liver & brain.  She told us about our nearest hospice and about any benefits Mum & Dad were entitled to.

We have to go back in a month for another x-ray, to see the consultant and to see another Dr about chemo options which we aren't sure about if Dad only has a small amount of time left.

As I have been caring for Dad and live about half an hour away, my sisters live a lot further away, I talked it over with my Mum before deciding to hand my notice in - she would prefer me looking after Dad to getting a stranger in while she isn't there.

  • FormerMember

    So sorry about the your Dads news, but as many people will tell you here the doctors telling your dad how long he has to live is just statistics. Would your dad think about getting a second opinion, its worth a try Alimor, there maybe treatment

    out there that can help.

    With Love Lucylee. xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear of your dads illness.  My mum had squamous cell carcemona.  Sadly she died on the 9 February.  However I lik you resigned from my job to care for mum full time she came home from hospital to live with me on 26 January.  I am glad I made the decision to do this as all the special moments we share are precious.  So although it will be difficult to you I am glad I did it.

    thoughts are with you

    Jules 64.x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you lucylee, my Dad is 86 and had other health problems before the cancer so he is just glad of every extra day he has.  The Dr has said that having chemo would probably only add a couple of months and after reading about all the side effects that could happen if he had it he thinks he would probably prefer to carry on as he is at the moment.  They are testing a sample they took for EGFR status which they could give chemo in tablet form or they talked about platinum based chemo injections every fortnight.

    I am so sorry about your Mum jules64 but so glad you got to share all those special moments which I hope I will get with my Dad.

    love to you both x

  • FormerMember

    Sometimes because of a persons age chemo may not be a good option, quality of life is better as after going thru the chemo and feeling ill and sick it doesn't always work and the person with the cancer hasn't been able to make the most of the time they have. Im not saying that because someones old they should,n

    have chemo, but if there prognoses is short and they dont feel ill or sick quality of life and no treatment might be the best option. Your dad has to decide what he feels is right for him. Wishing you both the best, and hope what ever road your dad takes it gives him more time.

    With Love Lucy Lee. xxx

  • FormerMember


    Your Dad must be a very proud man,to have such a caring loving.Daughter and Family.

    I agree with Lucy its up to your Dad to choose which road he thinks is the right one.Which ever one he chooses At least he will not travel the road alone.

    Take care and  be safe.

    My thoughts and Love are with your Dad and your family.

    Keep Strong. Sarsfield.xx