Not good

1 minute read time.

I had a phone call from Mum at 5.30 Monday morning saying that she had called an ambulance for Dad.  Last January before the lung cancer he had atrial fibrillation and he has had the same again.  He had another attack on Tuesday morning at 1am and the hospital phoned me to say that he was asking for Mum as he was sure he was dying, my two sisters also came to the hospital. They have managed to stabilise Dad and he is now on a normal ward, on oxygen, at least until Monday.

It was all very scary and I really thought we were going to lose him, because of the lung cancer they are trying to balance the drugs so that they don't cause any problems.  He coughed up a small clot on Tuesday morning after the attack and apparently because he is on blood thinning drugs at the moment it was one of the things the nurses were asked to look out for.

Unfortunately his vicar is away and he was asking for him Tuesday morning - he contacted the hospital chaplaincy and they came to see him.

A palliative nurse came round yesterday and asked lots of questions and said that he looked & sounded quite well considering.

When I saw him yesterday he said that he had been confused as they had moved him in the middle of the night, what with that & the morphine they had given him he had thought he was in Athens when he woke up!!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Alimor,

    Starting to hit the rough patches now Alimor, I hope your Dad is not in pain and your Mums o/k as well

    as the rest of the Family. Your all in my thoughts and im sending you all the strength I can. I hope for you Dads sake that this dosent drag out too long and he can be at peace and pain free. You look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big HUgs Love

  • FormerMember

    Alimor, i am so sorry it seems you have so much to contend with at once.

    ((((HUGS)))) for you all. I'm here if you ever want to chat.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you you two for your hugs etc.  

    Dad has been improving, I think they have taken him off most of his tablets and then I presume will start him on a new lot & see how he goes.  He was sitting in his bedside chair yesterday and looked so much better.  Weirdly his breathing and his coughing seem to have got a bit better since the attack.  Mum noticed yesterday that on the nurses wall chart the EDD was 21/8 so it looks like he may be in for another week.  I'd rather he was there until they have sorted all the medication etc out as he will feel safer.  Anyway I will go and see him tonight and give him lots of hugs :) Big hugs to you too x

  • FormerMember

    Dad back home today and had a lovely afternoon resting in his chair in the garden.  The consultant confirmed that he had had a mild heart attack so I am making him take it very easy for a while!

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you all, Val X