dads gullet cancer

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since my dad finished his first round of chemo he has been very dizzy and his legs go into spasms as if he is taking a fit, he is very forgetful now and not eating much or drinking much. it is getting scary now . we moved dad in to our house as he lived alone but i must admit i am getting frightened and dont know if i can be any good at this. when i wake in the morning i lie in bed and listen to see if he is up and about. he has fell twice since his leg started shaking and he has to hold on to the wall sometimes as he is so dizzy. is this just the chemo or is it the cancer. i took him to the gp on monday as i was worried about it but the just took blood and sent him home i dont think they realise just how scared i am in the house on my own i keep looking at dad looking for signs of something happening and i feel so bad 

  • FormerMember


    My Dad also has inoperable gullet cancer. Do you have number to ring the hospital as the dizzyness and spasms could be a sign of chemo side effects. Alternatively do you have a macmillan nurse to epeak to? 

    As to support for you, the macmillan helpline can chat with you about your concerns. Your local hopsice might also offer a support service for carers and relative too.  

    Wease x

  • FormerMember

    I'm sorry :( although my dad had a different cancer he too used to complain of feeling dizzy, uneasy and unsettled, panicky almost.  Maybe ask his GP for something calming, dad had some tablets like anti depressants that relax the mind so that he wasn't so mentally stressed and this made him feel generally less panicky.

    Chemo is just awful though and everyone reacts differently.  Have you got a number for a chemo nurse? May be worth giving them a ring but other than taking blood tests, which his GP has done, they probably won't do much more, but it may give you some reassurance that it's ok.

    You must be very scared being alone with him, try and encourage him not to walk around on his own, particularly near the stairs just in case his legs do go weak on him.  Maybe it's worth trying to get a walking support of some sort just so he can keep his independence?

    You're doing a wonderful job, hang in there :) x

  • FormerMember

    thanks for your replies. i am going to phone mcmillan nurse when dad goes for a scope on tuesday i dont want him to hear me discussing him. he had a nose bleed this morning so that paniced me again everything seems to panic me and im not usually like that. trying to take each day as it comes but they are coming round too quick for me just now 

  • FormerMember

    Hi I have sent you a friend request - my dad was diagnosed with the same cancer this week and like you I have gone from someone who 'copes' to being scared that I am not going to be up to the task in front of me.

  • FormerMember

    went to the beatson as my dad was starting his 2nd chemo and the doctor didnt think the dizziness was anything to do with the chemo but finished chemo yesterday and the dizziness has started again,so i think it is the chemo but i feel ready to cope with it this time. this is the hard week this week when he comes off chemo so fingers crossed