missing you.

1 minute read time.

Hello my darling husband. I dont think I believe in the afterlife but just in case, I hope you can hear me. It will be 18 wks on Saturday since you had to go. It is so hard and I just cant see it getting any easier. There is just this empty space next to me everywhere I go. When I am work, and the phone rings, for a split second, I think that it may be you ringing in like you did. It is all so painful. I really dont know if I can go on without...how stupid though because I have to. Christopher needs me. He misses you too. I will try to make his birthday special. Then there's Theres's birthday- you bet her you would be here for her 60th.  Then there's Xmas......I know everyone says little steps, one day at a time, but how do you stop your mind from racing away? You were always there for me...who will hug me now and tell me everything will be ok? I know I just should stop this but how? How? I really miss you...I love you now as much as I ever did. How is life fair?Why do so many people love the ones they love? There are so many people who are alive who dont deserve to. There is no God. Going to bed now as I need to be up in the morning for Christopher.Wont sleep but at least I will be resting. I love you honey......speak to you soon xxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi coralh, I have just read your post several times in the hope of finding some way of offering a little support, but its difficult. I once saw a bit of prose/poem, something about "carry on talking to me as I am only in the next room". Carry on talking, you are keeping your loved one alive in your mind. I only have a faith 'of sorts', I go in churches as the silence and beauty gives me comfort so I know somewhere along the line 'there is something'. My faith helps me with my own fears, I had lung cancer and the fear of it returning/spreading gets bad at times even though I had surgery. I think we all deal with fears and losses in our own ways.

    It always seems to be the nicest people who die from cancer, nothing happens to the criminals and murderers. It is not fair, I agree with you. I hope you can come to terms with what has happened and then start to enjoy the happy memories of your life together. I have rambled on enough now, searching for the right words.  

            I hope you find the peace you desperately need. Big hugs, love Bill xxx