Horrible Week

1 minute read time.

Dad passed away last Thursday and I wasn't there. I had gone out for the night, the first time in months. My other two sisters were there, but it doesn't make it any easier.

We have got all the funeral organised and have started clearing out the house. It was heartbreaking taking some things to the tip. Even though we knew it was no good, it didn't make it easier. It's a council rented house and they don't give you any time to clear it out unless you pay the rent. Some furniture my Mam loved but it's too big for any of our houses so we'll have to give it to a second hand shop or charity.

Not sure I want to go back to work either. I know they've been good letting me have loads of time off, but they never even sent a condolance card. And yet another member of staff who had only been there a couple of weeks got a bunch of flowers when her mother passed away. I've been there a year and lost both parents nad nothing. I'm not sure that's the kind of place I want to work any more.

It's amazing how something like this has changed the way I see people. I always used to see the best in most things, but now I just seem to find the negative things and look for an ulterior motive as to why some people do stuff. I don't want to be the glass half empty person, but at least i won't be disappointed when people let me down.

  • FormerMember

    the way you're feeling is understable, you are having to deal with the most awful circumstances.  I really am so sorry for your losses.  People who haven't lost either parent find it difficult to understand how you feel and that might be why you feel they have let you down.  I have found that the most supportive people to me at the moment are the ones who have already experienced grief themselves.  Don;t lose hope...i am six weeks into grieivng and still find it very difficult but im trying to focus on great memories and i only am spending time with people who understand

    Best regards Yvonne x