Funeral and beyond

1 minute read time.

Mum's funeral was yesterday and everything went according to plan. It made everything more final, she's really not here any more. Dad is not the man he used to be, his brain tumors are affecting his memory.

Before the funeral we were told that the carers would only be coming in during the night and to make his lunch and tea. Last Friday I went up to find him in the sitting room confused with his finger bleeding and all the upstairs windows open and he had know idea what had happened. The doctor came out to see him twice and got in touch with the district nurse to say he needed 24/7 care. This started again on Sunday.

The district nurse came to see him on Tuesday (with only the carer there) and told him we need to have a meeting about his care. No one knows what the agenda is but apparently money was an issue. How can they say that he doesn't need 24 hour care when he can't even remember if he's eaten or taken his tablets. My sister and I go every day and I think this is one of the reasons they are unwilling to let him continue on his current care plan. We both work full time ( and have families) and have been on the sick because of the stress of looking after both our parents. That is one of the reasons we have been able to go through every day. We ca't stay on the sick indefinite and need to go back to work.

How can they say its all about what the patient needs and wants and then take the care away. He wants to stay in his own home and he needs someone with him incase he has one of his episodes. The other week he went out at night in the snow with no coat on and his slippers. How can anyone say he doesn't need support just because he is still able to dress himself and get around the house. The way he is being treated has left me so angry.
