confused and pi**ed off

  • How Long is While ?


    Since the dawn of mankind we have been obsessed with  time. Thousands of man years have been dedicated to building giant Stone structures to measure the passage of time and predict the seasons.

    For Millennia  we have been able to predict the time of the next Solar Eclipse  or the return of a comet.

    OK some of the reasons for this obsession was that we needed to keep track of the seasons for both the planting and harvesting…

  • Progress Report and Sorry from John


    Hi Guys - not really sure why I am writing this - but want to share some good news and explain why I have been a bit distracted latley.

    Wont bother you with the really long version - this one is long enough. 2 months ago after putting up with some abdomin and chest pains for a while went to see my GP - Knew the pains were not heart related - been there - by co-incidence the Sunday prior to seeing him on the Monday I found …

  • Bogus People on the Site


    OK Guys -  Finding this a bit difficult to put my thoughts into a coherent form while not offending anyone, some of whom are closer friends than I have ever had before.

    We regularly get new people appearing on the site and looking to us for help and support - the thing that all of us probably think makes the Site worthwhile and  the  members are fantasic at doing because of their own varied experiences as Patients, Carers…

  • Sorry Chrisie we Guys don't always understand !!!


    A lot has been said about the various rules and how we guys are so insensitive - I think a lot of this is down to the Guys hearing but not understanding what the ladies are saying so here is a translation I came across

    Translation of Female Speak,  kept simple for the Males

    • Fine: This is the word we use at the end of any argument that we feel we are right about but need to shut you up. NEVER use Fine to describe how…

  • The Man Rules - OK !!! - Hope this brings a smile !!


    The Man Rules  - OK

    We always hear  "the rules"
    From the female side. 

    Now here are the rules from the male side.

    Please note.. These are all numbered "1"
    ON PURPOSE!   

    1.   Men are NOT mind readers; I know we are supposed to be but we are not!         

    1. Learn to work the toilet seat.You're a big girl.  If it's up, put it down.We need it up, you need it down..
    You don't hear us complaining about you…