How Long is While ?

2 minute read time.

Since the dawn of mankind we have been obsessed with  time. Thousands of man years have been dedicated to building giant Stone structures to measure the passage of time and predict the seasons.

For Millennia  we have been able to predict the time of the next Solar Eclipse  or the return of a comet.

OK some of the reasons for this obsession was that we needed to keep track of the seasons for both the planting and harvesting of crops, to follow the migration of birds and animal herds on which  our food and ultimate survival depended.

But some of the need was purely our desire to understand and ultimately try to control our destiny by predicting the future - these poor misguided uncivilised peoples !

But have we really changed or progressed  that much ?  Most of us have asked our Consultant at one time or another - what is my prognosis ?

We have the desire to know our destiny - but why ? We cannot change it !
Its not the quantity of time we have that is important but the quality and what we do with time that counts.

Albert Einstein, an undoubted genius, spent many years working on and refining his theory of relativity. - Its to complex for me but it seems time is relative to speed and position - all he really needed was to ask someone with Cancer. Time is relative to us all !!.

I was given a prediction ( best guess !) 2 years ago - which to me was about a couple of weeks ago.  So still  got ages then ?

The young Girl who has fought and beaten Cancer finds a lump and its going to be 4 week before she gets the results - how long is that in Human  time !

The carer of a loved one that is told it is only a matter of hours - watching a loved one suffer lasts an eternity.

The Carer who has lost someone and is reassured things will get better in time !

Not really sure what I am trying to achieve with this post - maybe just confirm I am confused and hurt by how little we can actually do to help each other and maybe how unimportant the minor irritations in life are in comparision.
We can offer love, Hugs  and support to each other - but we cannot give more time when that is what is needed

Lets not loose sight of today wondering what tomorrow may bring

Love and Hugs to all

John xx

  • FormerMember

    John, how right you are!!

    I have found myself obsessed with the amount of time it has been since i lost my dad, when i wake up in the morning and cannot exactly remember how many days it has been i get upset and angry at myself. When dad was poorly i focused so much on his prognosis when actually it was much much less and i am now frustrated at myself for wasting time worrying about time!!!

    "Live for today- treasure today- make happy memories today"

    (((((((((((hugs john))))))))))))

  • FormerMember

    Hit the nail on the head with this one John!

    I think often we do forget about living for today and worry too much about what tomorrow may bring, human nature, I suppose, but, we are missing out if we do that too much.  We like to be in control of everything, and that includes our destiny and knowing how long, etc, our loved ones or we may have.  The thing I have learnt, is that they can only ever guess, it is very often way out and we mustn't put too much faith in their prediction.  Mum shouldn't be here if they were right and I hope she is here for a long while yet.  

    Thanks for the reminder about not losing sight of today, its a good way to live your life.  My most frequent phrase I find when people ask how we are is 'taking one day at a time' and enjoying them!


    Nic xx

  • FormerMember

    hi john totally agree i now live every day with more enthusiasm than before and more tolerent of my boys put into perspective misdemeanors. my cancer is not life threatnening  but it has made me think and to enjoy life more time is precious. ps didnt get my usual xx last nite on chat lol

  • FormerMember

    What a wonderful post John.  You have hit the nail on the head!  I have spent the past week spending time worrying about how much time I have left with mum when what I should be doing is enjoying every day we have together.  Thank you.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    I always used to say live every day like its your last but havent said that to myself for ages but will try to start doing that again. Thanks for the reminder.

    Take Care Love Kaz x