Bogus People on the Site

1 minute read time.

OK Guys -  Finding this a bit difficult to put my thoughts into a coherent form while not offending anyone, some of whom are closer friends than I have ever had before.

We regularly get new people appearing on the site and looking to us for help and support - the thing that all of us probably think makes the Site worthwhile and  the  members are fantasic at doing because of their own varied experiences as Patients, Carers and Relatives.

Just occasionally we have a problem - out and out nutters that come on just to cause disruption - OK - not nice but is a fact of life for any site.

The worst offenders though are the people who come on here masquarading as Patients, Carers or relatives and appear to be genuine and looking for the usual support. Not sure what the kick is they get in talking to us or see us reaching out to them with the help and support they are asking for.

In some cases our own experiences uncover their lack of knowledge, experience or treatment details they claim to have had.

In other cases we do not have any 'proof' but we build up an idea that someone is 'Not Real'  in these cases we may build up a prejudice that has no foundation and a whispering campagne starts . If we really do reach this conclusion then I believe the best course of action is just to ignore them and not to engage them in conversation.

What I do think is wrong is to send  Messages that may be upsetting when - if they are Genuine, they are at the most vunerable stage of their lives - or sadly - due to the nature of this site - their deaths.

I would rather offer help and support to 99 people who may later turn out to be false than risk turning away 1 genuine person - unless I was100%  certain of my proof

Sorry I do not have any earth shattering ideas on how we can avoid the problem of the disturbed people that come on the site.

This is not meant to sound like I am lecturing anyone - but also feel I cannot just sit back and say nothing

love and hugs to all


  • FormerMember

    if i think someone is messing around i pm one or two good friends and often ask them there opinion.....i think thats better then just coming out with it on the threads.....also i dont presume i am right....

    i think people see the mac sites on face book....then from there they target this site...

    maybe not....

    we really shouldnt even have to think like this....

    i hate thinking is someone real or not...i bet everyone does..

    those who run this site are the ones who should sort it out..

    over a year later and i STILL have no idea why they changed share and what now ...

  • FormerMember

    Hi John,

    Ooh it's a difficult one! Ignoring someone risks ignoring a genuinely needy person, publically picking holes in someone's story gives the impression of an uncaring community.

    Personally I'm happy to exchange posts with anyone within the forums. If they are on the site to abuse it then I have to feel sorry for them, they must have something important missing from their lives. That doesn't mean I won't get cross about it on behalf of others.

    I don't think there will ever be a fail-safe way of protecting users of a site the size of this one. On a smaller forum which I belong to you have to send an email detailing your diagnosis and other details to an administrator before being given access to the forums. I suspect Admin would have a blue fit if it was suggested that they vet all new members in that way!

    I'm sorry so many have been hurt by the few on here. It's a sad state of affairs but we must try to remember that it is only the few that cause these problems.

    Bad Fairy x

  • FormerMember

    Wow I did not expect to come across a post so powerful in emotion as this tonight when I logged on to update my blog. I have experienced these 'fakes' before on another site of which I am a member, that is for mummy's of angels. It is quite unbelievable that people can get some sort of sick kick / pleasure out of  pretending to know our experience / feelings. I do not know if there is a fool proof way to avoid or eliminate these fraudsters from our sites without running the risk of turning away someone genuine who needs us .

    What I do know from experience is that liars will always be discovered but that does not ease the misery they can cause in the meantime.

    Love and gentle healing hugs to you all

    Teresa xxx

  • FormerMember

    hi teresa

    thats the worst thing about it

    the people who come on just for attention usually pick the saddest story they can think of for maximum impact....

    they dont make things up involving remission...good outcomes and hope...

  • FormerMember

    Hi everyone..I hope you don't mind me joining in here...but I have to say I must be so naive...!!! I'm horrified and feel sickened to think that there are ''fake people'' and ''fake stories'' being told on a site where so many genuine people are going through what can sometimes only be described as the worst possible time in their own life. How do people like that sleep at night..? (please ignore the time I'm posting..!! I have back troubles that keep me awake! Honestly!) I feel so sad sometimes with this know today, I went to see a lovely lady in hospital, which is 1 minute from where I live, whose sister is on this site but lives in Canada. I would hate to think that someone not genuine could even end up doing something like that.I had absolutely no idea that there were tricksters on this site. I can not bear to think that this site of all, would be targetted by people getting some sick perverse enjoyment out of others suffering, making fun of them or making money from them..!! I'm just flaberghasted (or however you spell it!), I had no idea people did things like that..horrible, just horrible.

    Rant over..!!  Sorry. I am naive I know, but I still can't get over it.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my rant..! And I wish you all well, and sending special thoughts to you all.


    Janey x