Bogus People on the Site

1 minute read time.

OK Guys -  Finding this a bit difficult to put my thoughts into a coherent form while not offending anyone, some of whom are closer friends than I have ever had before.

We regularly get new people appearing on the site and looking to us for help and support - the thing that all of us probably think makes the Site worthwhile and  the  members are fantasic at doing because of their own varied experiences as Patients, Carers and Relatives.

Just occasionally we have a problem - out and out nutters that come on just to cause disruption - OK - not nice but is a fact of life for any site.

The worst offenders though are the people who come on here masquarading as Patients, Carers or relatives and appear to be genuine and looking for the usual support. Not sure what the kick is they get in talking to us or see us reaching out to them with the help and support they are asking for.

In some cases our own experiences uncover their lack of knowledge, experience or treatment details they claim to have had.

In other cases we do not have any 'proof' but we build up an idea that someone is 'Not Real'  in these cases we may build up a prejudice that has no foundation and a whispering campagne starts . If we really do reach this conclusion then I believe the best course of action is just to ignore them and not to engage them in conversation.

What I do think is wrong is to send  Messages that may be upsetting when - if they are Genuine, they are at the most vunerable stage of their lives - or sadly - due to the nature of this site - their deaths.

I would rather offer help and support to 99 people who may later turn out to be false than risk turning away 1 genuine person - unless I was100%  certain of my proof

Sorry I do not have any earth shattering ideas on how we can avoid the problem of the disturbed people that come on the site.

This is not meant to sound like I am lecturing anyone - but also feel I cannot just sit back and say nothing

love and hugs to all


  • FormerMember

    Hi Guys Thanks for the responses - I would never shout anyone down for having a different opinion than myself - only by swapping views can we increase our knowledge. I would also like to thank the people who have taken the time to respond in so much detail to their experience, I am sorry if my blog resulted in reminding anyone of an sad experiences.

    The only main point I missed out of my original posting was that the correct way to deal with our suspisions - when we are sure - is to contact Admin and let them try to sort out the facts.

    I my self have had one of these upsetting experiences and know the hurt it can cause - and how foolish I felt for the concerns I had expressed and felt for the individual.

    I think the real main point I was trying to express in my own clumsy way was - let us not arrange our own Kangeroo Court - if you suspect someone is bogus - then do not continue to offer them support - if you feel you have evidence then contact Admin and ask them to sort them out.

    Again these are just my views and I do not expect everyone to agree, I will not fall out with anyone who has different views - thats the whole point of having a discussion.

    Love and hugs to all

    John xx

  • I know only too well that feeling of realised I've been conned. I felt physically ill. It now makes me super-cautious and suspicious of every new member. This so sad but I still answer new members but perhaps with not the same enthusiasm or sincerity as before.


  • FormerMember

    I agree with what you have said completely John.

    I became suspicious of one 'young girl' who apparently was terminally ill, but was supposedly in hospital seriously ill and yet posting on here about X-Factor.

    I think a lot of people will remember the one I am talking about. She was proven to be a fraud and had apparently done this before on other sites.

    What a furore it caused when members on here thought people were picking on this person unnecessarily, but she was unable to answer simple question posed to her about her medication or illness.

    Another person I befriended a while back gave different responses when asked where she lived and when she 'died' her sister contacted me privately and gave me a detailed description of how she died and was on site all day. I'm still not sure if this person was genuine or not, but I had a bad feeling about it.

    Like you though, I would rather give someone the benefit of the doubt as they could well be genuine and extremely vulnerable. It just means we all have to be a lot more vigilant.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    In my experience, reporting suspicious behaviour, or apparent frauds to Admin, does not always resolve a problem.

    I have reported on several occasions different people and had no response at all from Admin.

    I can understand that confidentiality issues may prevent a clear answer, but what am I to conclude when no answer is forthcoming?

    Some of those reported are the obvious site invaders such as the nubile maidens, ready to assure me my women slaying days are not yet over.

    It takes a bit of persistance to get them removed from site, and often they have several free weeks to target others even after flagging them up.

    Others reported are the ones whose stories became unstuck, when they forgot appointments or managed to contact the site half-way through their surgery or even moments after their death. Normally I would ignore the second category and only report them if I saw they were targetting vulnerable others.

    I too was conned by the person Juls mentioned above, even sending sponsorship money to a fake website set up to mimic the real one. So if I can be taken in, anyone can.

    The site now has close to 50,000 members. It follows that policing  that number is a pretty big task.

    Kangeroo courts are where conclusions are arrived at in one bound without due consideration of the evidence. I am opposed to them. However my experience is that most of the fakes that have been discovered on site were determined, when site members pooled the information they had with one another and secretly expressed their reservations.

    I would be reluctant to report someone because I alone had suspicions but when I discover others also have reason to question then it makes sense to act.

    When Admin do not respond and do not act it is extremely hard not to confront individuals directly. I have been guilty of this, but only out of the highest of motives and always with great care. There certainly is no pleasure to be gained from having doubts or raising them.

    I just remember the old saying "One rotten apple can ruin a whole barrel of apples."

  • FormerMember

    Hi John,

    Apologies, did not use the correct phrasing  in my last paragraph. I think your post brought back some very emotional memories for me as it would have done for others, not a bad thing, we need reminding that these things do happen on a forum such as this, how very sad indeed!!!!!

    I am so sorry that you have been a victim of these sick people that come to Macmillan, it beggars believe how they can do this.

    We have all been hurt on here and some more deeply, it is not surprising that many have left or do not post as often, I myself included, as many other dear people on here have been too.

    Take extra special care.

    My love to you all
