Whoops I did it again!

2 minute read time.

The title is not a reference to the Britney Spears single (though I did like her in that video for Toxic when she wore virtually nowt) it is because I am blogging again and, well you'll see!

So Thurs night was all about getting the broken dishwasher out of the kitchen ready for tomorrow's new arrival. Now W had said to me "pay the extra money so they (Comet) take it all out and fit the new one", no way I can do it easy. So I start to pull out the said appliance and then realise what will happen if I take out the drainage pipe. "Ummm W if I take it out tonight you can't use the sink till the new one is in, so I'll do it in the morning". So I push the aforementioned appliance back in it's home and OMG I've tore a 2" hole in the lino. Will W notice I wonder? (That should go in the dumb questions forum!) So that is the WHOOPS!

Friday morning and it has to come out, the dishwasher that is. No matter how hard I tried the pipes wouldn't stay in the bucket so smelly water everywhere (another WHOOPS!). I am doing this in my dressing gown and bagov schitt is getting in the way and I really could do with a drain myself. Finally the dishwasher is out and in the back garden, and I can get ready for work and more meetings about big sales opportunities.....

Back home, after a sneaky bacon butty, to fit the now delivered new appliance. After 15 mins of relieving said appliance of it's packaging which filled my black bin, it was a doddle to fit. So finally on goes the drainage pipe and guess what? Its a different size to the old one!!!! Off to BnQ and get 4 Jubilee clips cos usually I get the wrong size, back home and yes it is done. Now the technical stuff I leave to W (how to fill it up and turn it on).

OK now this is it, I am feeling good about stuff and I am going to go for a run, ok a jog. I used to run 4 miles but after about 300yds I realise that aint going to happen. Still just over 2 miles in 25 mins and my first run since my OP in Jan. So that is the AGAIN! Even better news W agrees to celebrate by going to the pub for a couple of drinks later, as long as I drive, ha!

Looking forward to the weekend.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Tim, get you showing off about Jubillee clips- do they have something to do with the Queen?

    Next time, make me a bacon buttie too please...

    and running? wow! Now you are showing off.. Just running is impressive to me at the mo, never mind miles and minutes... mine would be yards and hours...

    Have a good weekend

    Little My xxxx

    ps I'm moving house next week- now you've got the hang of things, fancy helping out? I'm replacing the lino anyway... :o)

  • FormerMember

    Running?! Now I AM impressed !

    As for pipes and fitting things, my ex was crap at it all so good for you, and as mine was crap I've fitted wahsing machines etc so empathise with yucky water everywhere, though I NEVER ran afterwards, except perhaps *away* from the smelly water.............

  • FormerMember

    As a single woman I take all that nonsense in my stride - don't know why men make such a fuss!  I've torn more than lino in my bid for equailty and coped with all sorts of domestic issues!  

    Can I just ask though, I've been eating bacon butties for a while now, but I still can't run very far, is it a man thing?

    Ann ;-0 x

  • FormerMember

    Ah the joys of fitting new appliances. I have a three inch tear in our lino where I was hit by the fridge door falling off.

  • FormerMember

    You's the man, have you replaced the lino yet pmsl ;)

    Helen xxx