I think I may need to stand in something.....

2 minute read time.


Here I am 2 weeks on still waiting for my CT scan results, I have rung the hospital but they just say I am not a priority and don't panic. I'm not panicking, I just want to know!

Last week I had the pleasure of some sort of virus which is still kicking around. I got back in work Tuesday (after a little bit of fishing Monday with a mate to cheer me up, it did) to find out that one of my work colleagues had lost his very short battle with cancer. Today I tried contacting a few people he used to work with to let them have the funeral details, and of course I sent a few emails. Within 10 mins I had a call from one of the guys who said "I see you emailed M, he won't reply because he is off work sick with testicular cancer"......

So that is another friend of mine with the dreaded C, I got him into fishing many years ago and although he doesn't go so much these days we always try to keep in touch. I gave him a call today, and he was in hospital having chemo and happy to chat. He's a real live wire and is well up for the fight, and I wished him luck. He didn't ring me before to tell me he had c cos he didn't think it was the sort of thing you did.

I then popped out for lunch to meet an old boss of mine. When I went back to work I noticed I had 2 missed calls on my mobile (I never heard it ring in the pub!) and a voice message. It was a call from the hospital waiting list department, asking me to ring back about my reversal op. I rang back and was told "Oh we had a cancellation and we could have done your op this Friday, but we couldn't get hold of you and so we asked someone else". Feck me I rang them back after 50 mins, they didn't WAIT very long! I was just a bit taken aback and laughed down the phone and said "thanks then, bye!" Anyway stuff em, I don't want an op now till after Xmas, as who knows how my bottom will react to having to, well, do stuff again after nearly a year of clean living!

Off to Manchester tomorrow for another funeral, caused by ... well I don't have to say do I. Works Xmas party Sat night, what better way to have fun.

Please don't think I'm down by the way, I have got used to all the bad stuff now and am ploughing on. However, and it has been said by others but I have to say it, I cannot wait to see the back of 2011.

Tight Lines

Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Here's to the back of 2011 shitey year of shitey years.

    I think its a good job you didn't get your op on Friday cos you would be in no fit state to enjoy Christmas and may not even have been home for it. So eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we may be bagless.

    Biggest hug to you Tim, I have got loads of mates with cancer too (but that's cos I met them on the mac site ;) )

    Hope you are not down about it too much and these things tend to come in waves.. so here's to waving bye to the wave and the year!

    Light tines

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    There have been shite years before, but 2011 has really outdone itself. I just hope 2012 doesn't try to outdo it still more.

    On the whole, a bum operation right before Christmas isn't really what you need. You have to have something to look forward to after you've opened your pressies, after all!




  • FormerMember

    Tim, so sorry to hear all our shitey news, and yes, 2011 can well and truly feck orf.

    I am glad the fishing help you get over the last of the lurgy, and hope you are tip-top again soon. We are here, all holding hands, and ready for anything!

    Cwtchs and love to you

    Ems xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tim,

    I think everyone agrrees with you about 2011 being a shite year. I intend to kick it up the arse on December 30th when I expect to get good news from the oncologist.

    Sorry about your mates Tim, but glad fishing rejuvenated you. Never mind missing the op, you need to be able to deal with all that food and booze in the way you've been accustomed, and they're sure to have another cancellation in the new year.

    I'll tack my cwtches on to those of Ems and hope you have a great time at Christmas.

    Odin xxx

  • Hi Tim 

    couldn't agree more 2011 been one heck of a shite year and can't wait to see the back of it.

    An operation just before Christmas may not have been the best timing so eat drink Guinness and enjoy and here's to another cancellation or early date in the New and hopefully better Year for all.

    I too am sorry to hear about your friends think LM is right about things coming in waves there have been times when I have felt like a professional mourner with one funeral after another.

    Keep fishing may your lines always be tight

    Big Hugs

    Scraton xxx