I should have stayed at home!

1 minute read time.

I picked up a cold last Tuesday which then seemed to turn into "Man Flu" and despite feeling not so good I battled on and went to work. That seemed like a bad choice when I lost my rag with my boss over him asking 3 people to do the asme job, but luckily he missed the worst of my rant. I felt better Thursday afternoon and thought yeah the cold is going, wrong Friday it came back worse.

I hadn't planned to go fishing Sunday but despite feeling rough got a text on Friday which twisted my arm into going (it doesn't take much). W was not pleased with my decision but I thought the fresh air would help clear the airways. Seemed like a good idea as Sat morning I felt pretty good and I even did the vacuuming! However, this rollercoaster of a cold had other ideas and by Sat evening I was shattered again and thinking W was right, I should not be going fishing!

The adrenaline of the alarm clock kicked in Sunday morning, as did a full cooked brekkie at the local cafe and despite the strong wind (weather related) I was looking forward to a day out. I'll skip all the main fishing stuff cos nobody will understand it, but suffice to say I was at one end of a lake and the fish seemed to be at the other! However, one big moby dick must have been in the lake as it pulled my rod and reel straight in to the lake and sped off to the middle (a bit like the tyre being pulled out to sea in Jaws!). Luckily the rod floated and I managed to hook it up and retrieve but not before snapping it, oh f%%k me :-( !!!

As soon as I was back home the sinuses blocked up and I felt crap again. As the title says I should have stayed at home!

Off to see my consultant Tuesday, but not sure why, maybe to so with reversal stuff.

Tight Lines

Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    You're doing better witht he man flu than Mr V does, he wanders round the house sniffing dejectedly and occasionally whimpering that he's got swine flu. You managed to do vaccuming AND go fishing, I'm impressed! Now do as W says, sit on the sofa with a mug of Beechams and a crap film until you feel better.

    Get well soon, love Vikki x

  • FormerMember

    Mugs of Beechams and crap films - perfect cure for the 'man flu' I'd say! xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Vikki, and Manders,

    Can you believe since I wrote the above I feel so much better, amazing.

    Anyway thanks for the advice but I'm not very good at doing nothing, except for when having Chemo and radio therapy and after my op, I did nowt then!

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Somewhere in the middle of that water the fish are quietly sniggering.

    Hope the sniffles clear up soon!

    - Hilary

  • FormerMember

    I Know I should have post my stuff on here before I posted on "laughter is the Best Medicine"

    Glad yer back at work M8