I did it!

2 minute read time.

Second attempt since I lost the lot first time (this thing said I had exceeded the blog limit when I have never done 1).

I have been on this website since I was diagnosed with rectal cancer back in August 2010. However, I have only ever really spent my time in the bowel cancer and baggies section, and have met lots of great people. Then very recently I was invited to look at this lunatics blog (Little My) and she opened my eyes up to a brand new world. This was the place I had been looking for all those times I had things to say but no one to say them to, gutted or what! But I don't look back, but then I can't really look forward much yet but hope to be able to do so one day.


I have been a bit scared to write something, trouble being a Virgo and a damned perfectionist! But now I get it, it doesn't matter on here, you can write what you want and say how you feel because we are all in the same boat and it can help you and maybe you can help others. I am helped lots by others rants or ramblings. I know I'm probably saying what you all know, but that's the point, and if nobody does read it that's OK too! Yippee I am as dizzy as Ken Dodd in a feather duster factory.


OK so I am by nature a positive person (didn't need cancer to know that) and happy go lucky, I love fishing and have many great friends from this (I am a match angler so win a bit of dosh sometimes). But right here and now it is time to dump some stuff....


When the doc confirmed I had cancer I thought when will I die. I had to cancel the family holiday that was booked for 5 days time, and I cried all the way home and when I walked thru the door. But great friends at work and fishing and family helped loads and it was the classic one day at a time. I love my wife and 2 daughters to bits and I worry about them, not me. I have 2 work colleagues who are both off with breast cancer, another guy I work with his wife has breast cancer. Then today another work mate rings up and says they found an 8cm tumour on my liver. Will you just pi55 off cancer and give us all some space!!!! But I know it won't (insert nasty swearwords).


Thursday last my 3 year old niece is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, poor mite and poor mum have a long journey ahead. Then on Monday my wife's grandfather was moving house, a couple of men were buying his place. As he waves goodbye to the removal van his phone rings, one of the men buying his house has died...... I am not making this up!


I think that's enough for now, don't want to bore you. As I finish this I am raising my glass to each and everyone of you, oh no bugger it, I spilt me beer.


Tight lines


Tim x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tim,

    Who watches Tight Lines with Keith Arthur,and listens to him on TalkSport Radio every Sat/Sun Mornings. A match Angler eh.  If it keeps your mind of your Cancer thats the main thing..  All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Loose lines. Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Hi everyone,

    Little My suggested I read a blog of hers and here I am on blog world too, all the way from bowel and bag land, hiya Tim, don't leave me behind haha.

  • FormerMember

    Evening all!

    That's what I Like too Stinker!

    Hi Sarsfield, I would love to watch tight lines but only have Sky sports 1, but I do listen to Keef normally on a Sunday morning on the way to a fishing match.

    Janbo2 come on down! More bagov schitt talk foresee I young Skywalker.

    Very tight lines.

    Tim x

  • FormerMember

    Welcome Janbo2

    Little My has a lot to answer for....having to spend more time on here trying to keep up with everyone.....will have to update my blog next week!


  • FormerMember


    You fit right in!  Tght lines or not (what!?!).  Aren't the baggies a football team?  LM kept that quiet, she's always taking the p**s out of Stevie for being a football nut!

    Welcome to the nuthoose (I mean nuthouse - the nuthoose is a hardresser down the road from me!!)

    Love, Ann x