A night to remember.

1 minute read time.

Four years ago I attended a charity ball organised by one of my mates who was recovering from testicular cancer. Little did I know then that I would be joining him in the cancer club, as in Aug 2010 I was diagnosed with rectal cancer. I've written on this site on and off since that time, more so after my operation and have made many friends. So when my mate said he was going to organise another ball and would I like to be involved and support a charity I had no hesitation in saying yes, Macmillan.

In return for my charity being supported (as well as his choice of Orchid) I had to make the appeal speech. "You've got to make them laugh and cry to get them digging deep to splash the cash" says my mate. So I spent days fretting over it, putting it off, until I ended up writing it the day before the ball.

On the night itself I had a few drinks before the speech to pluck up courage, but was still a bit nervous, not so much about standing up talking, more about the content getting to me! Well it seemed to go pretty well and I got a nice round of applause, and quite a few people came up to me during the night to say well done, or that they had people in the same situation as me. However, the most important thing was that the objective of raising as much money as we could was acheived, we haven't got the final amount yet, but we know it will be over £2500.

It's great that the money was raised by everyone having a fantastic night, though some will have sore heads and trouble remembering it I dare say.

Thanks to the many people on here that wished me luck and gave me support. Oh and on the morning of the day of the ball I had a letter from the hospital saying I have an appointment for my ileostomy reversal on 22nd March. All in all a very good day.

  • FormerMember

    Hey thank you guys and gals!!!!!!

    It was because of my own experience and getting to know macland people that made me determined to go through with it.

    Luckily the Guiness seemed to have the same effect as ibruprofen, and I awoke Sunday morning feeling pretty good. Well I paced myself, I had to being the host, and glad I did.

    Louise I will answer your questions :-

    1) Yes M&S came to my rescue, but it cost me!

    2) Yes my wife went, although she went to the hotel armed with medication, but felt a lot better.

    3) Baggy behaved, and as I was staying at the hotel I had plenty of back up options in the room!

    4) I got laughs straight away and the biggest of them came from when I said I thought of having a no entry sign tattoo on my arse (due to all the investigations!). Then I got serious, and I think it worked cos I got some big hugs afterwards (especially from my mate who was the other host) and nice comments throughout the night. However, the speech was all about getting people to shell out for the charity and that was a great result.

    Tight lines

    Tim xxx

  • Well done Tim - you did well. It's amazing how our experiences enable us to push forward with things that might otherwise have phased us.

    Glad you have the reversal date, mine was last August and after 18 months reliance on an ileostomy it was a scary prospect. It was the best thing I have ever done and I have no regrets. Yes the first two weeks were a nightmare and I wondered if I would ever be able to leave the confines of my bathroom! After that I have not looked back. No I do not have have the same reliability that I had before but I can honestly say that I can cope with the new me and I feel free.

    Good luck and well done.


    Cathie xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Well thank you kind sir for putting my mind at rest re my questions...I can now sleep easy. I'm glad your wife made it and was able to support you. M&S may cost, but at least they do seem to come up with the goods (short length trousers for hubby, and short length everything for a well endowed lady like wot I am!)

    Love the idea of a No Entry Tattoo! Perhaps after the op it could be "Exit only"!

    Yay to hugs because we all feel better when we've had one, don't we.

    Time to prepare yourself for the big day, and you have also got to spend some down time so that you are in peak health for 22nd March.....delegate at work etc

    Love to you and the family

    Louise xxxx