A Bad day? Well no, not in the bigger picture.

2 minute read time.

Friday was just one of those days!

The day started well and I completed my last 2 staff appraisals which went very well. Then things started to go a bit off the rails.... I feel at the moment as if I have one arm tied behind my back, a patch over my eye, and the rest of the "tool box" is empty when it comes to doing my job for customers. When I explain the issues to the "powers that be" they say they will fix it (same thing for 5 years) or I am making excuses, so it seems I am the meat in the sandwich.

Oh but hang on things are looking up, I get Kauto Star in the office sweepstake.....Oh dear the poor thing is pulled up.

Never mind I go home early (glad I can on a Friday) and am looking forward to a nice meal out with my wife and girls. A nice place, and it is Mothers day / my last night out with baggy celebration. All goes well until one of my girls somehow knocks a large amount of lasagne my way, shirt and trousers now a nice orange colour! Oh well one of those days, the food was nice as was the wine.

Come home finish the wine and relax and off to bed. Sometime later I awake and oh no baggy has leaked, that is only the 2nd time this has happened in bed!

I did get a bit peed off, but I reckon that the thought of the impending op may be playing on my mind a little. However, this morning I have come to my senses. All of the above is just little bits of stuff sent to try us, living with cancer is something you have to deal with every day. People on here are going through big ordeals and tough stuff right now. Puts the events of my day into insignificance, and so now it's all gone away and the smile is back.

My wife and 2 girls have all joined up to do the race for life (they are not runners so this will be a real effort), which I must admit brought a lump to my throat and that damn dust in my eyes.

Onwards and upwards, hope LM's op was a success and that EMs is still on track for the SCT. Thanks to everyone on here for your support, and good luck to every one of you.

Tight lines

Tim xxx (Giving them out again Odin)

p.s. Oh yes and I am going fishing (that will be it for a while now!) on Mothers Day, which is why I did all the Mothers Day stuff Friday and more today.

  • FormerMember

    Hello my feathered friend,

    I think I will always have the words "don't panic Mr Mannering" thanks to you.

    When I  didn't know you I read one of your earlier blogs about a business trip abroad and you had one of those moments with baggy, I was absolutely amazed at what you had to cope with, the practical side of things and if cancer was a Top Trumps bowel would have to be high up on the list.

    I thought it was bad enough being lopsided (although many would say I have been a bit like that in the head for years).

    Keep making us laugh Tim.

    Won't be long till your on the next part of your journey and then we can all shout " DON"T PANIC CLUCKER" 

    Enjoy your tight lines 

    BOOBY xxxxxx

  • Hello Tim I'm sorry you had such a bad time of it and its good to hear you have your smile back.Waiting for your operation must bring such a mixture of thoughts and feelings let alone what you have already had to cope with.When dealing with cancer the rest of the everyday things both big and small carry on sometimes I guess it's like I will deal with this but please no more until I do but then it seems at our most vulnerable life throwsthe kitchen sink at you on top of everything else.one of my staff like you loves to fish and when he was going through a tough time I used to tell him go fishing it was the thing that helped him through tough times so I'm glad you craftily did the mothers day thing early and then you can go fishing and I would guess that for you it is the thing that helps you through .i too know there are many going through a lot worse than I have or possibly ever will but there are times when things get fraught that it is difficult to think in those terms.You are indeed a wonderful man and I should know as I have known what a grade A gobshite (thanks for the word Hils)looks like When the time comes to be drummed out of the baggy club and into the Dyson club we will all be there for you as you have certainly been for me and others.huge hugs and much love Cruton and I will be watching as Odin said xxxxxxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Thank you all for the wonderful comments,

    It's great that we all understand "stuff" so well, because we have been through so much shite!

    All I really want to say at this point is that I have a large amount of dust in my eyes. You buggers!

    Tight lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry I missed you yesterday Tim,

    Hope your fishing goes well today, enjoy, enjoy. 

    Life has it's ups and downs both big and small, day to day.  I just think us wise lot on here are quick to get it all into perspective and that's thanks to having dealt with shitty cancer.

    You're next bit of that journey is now upon you and soon you'll be Mr. Dyson, the other half of the duo.  So BRING IT ON and tight lines to you Tim.

    You're an amazing bloke and we all love you, that's for sure. Oh bloody hell, i've got dust in my eyes too.  Pass the tissues.

    Take care

    Jan xxxxx