80's fan has a Pre-op

2 minute read time.

Well had a visit to the hospital this week, just a simple pre-operative assessment that last time took 90 mins. As usual my arrival lowered the average age of the persons in the room. There was a delay in my being seen ("never" I hear you say)  and I got chatting to an older lady and her son in the waiting room. She said to me "would you believe I had a heart attack recently and it saved my life!" ummm not really no! Turns out when they did an MRI scan on her ticker they found a tiny tumour on her lung, she was a lovely lady.

Anyway I digress, finally I get seen and the nurse said that I looked very well, oh not another one. Actually it was not an emotional response it was her way of saying I don't think I need to ask you all these questions! So we zoomed through the list of "important" stuff, had BP and pulse checked and finally take some blood and done! Oh and here is your bag of pre-op drinks to take before your op, but I don't know when my op is yet. All I know is that I could be lucky and have the op done by Christmas, but as having a reversal is low priority it can often be cancelled. Oh well, might as well put the drinks in that dark and dingy corner of the kitchen or up in the loft.

It was my first time back in hospital since a visit to the stoma nurse, and no disrespect to older people (cos I love you) but it does me get down when I sit in a room of 70+ years old people and I've got the same issues as them and the old brain starts going "why me?".  Not long after though and I'm back on macland (well the bits I can get onto) and managing to get to talk to a few friends who are in the same boat and the brain clears again. Another thing that seems to help me keep sane is music, but  I seem to be becoming like my Dad was when I was young, and listening to the music of my youth, I've got 80's music on all the time!

I think this site needs Scotty off Star Trek to sort it out, cos it certainly isn't running at warp speed. "Och Captain I cannee give her anymore she'll blow."

Tight Lines

Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Nov 2007.....my consultant named me his lady of mystery because I really made him work hard to keep me here. Boring details summed up as concisely as possible on my profile, but could write a book, because I had so many problems along the way.

    Starting to get the hang of new site, although it took me 10 mins to find the private message (above comment!!!) you'd sent me. Good to be back on Macland though :-)


  • FormerMember

    Hi Tim

    That lady was lucky then!!

    Pre op milkshakes?? I agree with LM,  and will start petitioning my hospital for some! ;)

    Hope they don't make you wait too long hun.  Big Hugs to You!

    By the way, if anyone's looking for Warped, I found it eventually and its on my favourites list so go to my profile and click on it there... :)

    Big Love and some 80's grooves to you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    I just assumed everybody gets the pre-op drinks. I have to drink 3 a day the 3 days prior to the op, and on the morning of the op I have to drink 2 other drinks. These are all to build you up and keep you going I suppose, loads of proteins and carbohydrates etc.

    When I had my op I was nil by mouth (other than water) for 3 days, and then for the next 8 days as well as food I had to drink the milkshake drinks everyday, by the end I was peed right off with them! By the way they are called FORTISIP.

    I can tell you found warped by the above comment, lol! I hope you're feeling well and taking it easy, big hugs back.

    Right must go, have some maggots to sort out for tomorrow.

    Tight lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh, found the private message and answered back....hope you got it. x