Community News

These news items are generated and published by Macmillan's Online Community Team. In this section you’ll find some posts written by the Online Community team in partnership with our Cancer Information Development team. We also feature personal stories from our members.

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Community updates     Cancer Awareness     Tips, ideas and recipes       

Cancer stories     Supporting someone with cancer    Art, photography and creative writing

Latest Posts

  • Look out for our improvements

    On Macmillan’s Community, our members are at the heart of everything we do. We’re always looking to improve the site for you and we’re so excited to finally be able to share some improvements that are just around the corner.  
    We know what an important source of support the Online Community is for many. In the next few weeks we will be launching a number of improvements on to the site. These enhancements…

  • Kath’s story: living with a stoma and building confidence.

    The words 'Kath's story: Living with a stoma' written in green next to a picture of a lady standing next to some flowers smiling.

    You may have read Kath’s recent blog ‘Living with bowel cancer and a stoma’, where she shares some of the physical and emotional challenges that she has faced.

    In this blog Kath is talking about how living with a stoma has affected her self- confidence. Living with a stoma can be a big change for some people and these changes can take some time adjust to. 

    By sharing her experiences, Kath hopes to…

  • The cost of cancer - need help with transport and parking fees?

    This new miniseries about the additional costs a cancer diagnosis can cause, is highlighting a few of the most common concerns members of the Online Community talk about in our forums.

    We know that cancer can have an impact on your finances and we often see members talking about the cost of transport and parking when attending hospital appointments. If this is something you are concerned about, hopefully you’ll find…