Community News

These news items are generated and published by Macmillan's Online Community Team. In this section you’ll find some posts written by the Online Community team in partnership with our Cancer Information Development team. We also feature personal stories from our members.

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Community updates     Cancer Awareness     Tips, ideas and recipes       

Cancer stories     Supporting someone with cancer    Art, photography and creative writing

Latest Posts

  • Returning to work after cancer treatment

    Are you worried about returning to work after or during a cancer experience? Polly, one of our Work support advisers, is here to help. In today’s blog, Polly is going to talk about making the decision to go back to work after a cancer diagnosis or treatment, what to consider and how you can get help from your employer.

     If you have any questions around the information in our blog today, please remember that Polly…

  • Cancer, pleasure and intimacy: Sarah-Jane’s story

    Sarah-Jane found it difficult to cope with how her gynaecological cancer diagnosis and treatment affected her experience of pleasure and intimacy. The lack of information from her medical team and conversations around how a woman’s intimate relationship with their body and sex can change during and after cancer treatment left her feeling invisible.  

    Macmillan’s Digital Storytelling Project is where people affected…

  • Story of the Month: Jennifer

    Have you ever felt misunderstood during your experience with cancer?

    Here in the Online Community, we’re excited to launch a new series working with Macmillan’s Digital Storytelling Project, where people affected by cancer have created their own videos to talk about their experiences. We’re starting with Jennifer as our first story of the month for May 2022, also known on the Online Community as JenW…