Community News

These news items are generated and published by Macmillan's Online Community Team. In this section you’ll find some posts written by the Online Community team in partnership with our Cancer Information Development team. We also feature personal stories from our members.

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Community updates     Cancer Awareness     Tips, ideas and recipes       

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Latest Posts

  • "In your 30's, you are supposed to be in your prime..." - Diagnosed at a young age: greg777


     "Diagnosed at a young age" written over a sunset at the beach

    Being diagnosed with cancer at a young age often means you’ll face challenges that differ to those who sit under an older age bracket; you might feel it has a significant impact of your education, your career, dating and perhaps starting a family - to give but a few examples.

    For the above reasons we have our Diagnosed at a young age group – a space for those diagnosed at a young age to share and talk about their…

  • Talking about grief

    'Talking about grief' written in white writing over a photo of a blue sky with white clouds taken by David.

    Photo by David

    Today we are back with our 5th instalment of our Bereavement series. The aim of this series is to try to shine a light on important issues facing those who have lost a loved one to cancer, and remind everyone that the Community is a safe space where we welcome any conversations about grief and bereavement.

    But why is it important to talk about grief and how we are coping after the death of a loved one?…

  • New cost of living resources from Macmillan

    Lots of people are feeling anxious about the cost of living crisis in the UK. The media recently reported on a Macmillan survey which showed that hundreds of thousands of cancer patients are struggling with rising costs of living. You can read that article here.

    We've also seen members of the Community start sharing some of those worries across the forums.

    "My back garden is on a bit of a slope so I no longer hang…