Community News

These news items are generated and published by Macmillan's Online Community Team. In this section you’ll find some posts written by the Online Community team in partnership with our Cancer Information Development team. We also feature personal stories from our members.

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Community updates     Cancer Awareness     Tips, ideas and recipes       

Cancer stories     Supporting someone with cancer    Art, photography and creative writing

Latest Posts

  • World Mental Health Day 2018


    Today's World Mental Health Day (10/10/2018), so I thought I'd take this opportunity to share with the Online Community some tips on dealing with difficult emotions, and generally improving your mental wellbeing.

    Whether you have cancer, care for someone with cancer or someone close to you has cancer, a diagnosis can bring with it a myriad of emotions:

    • Anger
    • Shock
    • Disbelief
    • Anxiety
    • Guilt and blame
    • Sadness
    • Fear…
  • Planned maintenance - Wednesday 17th March, 6am - 9am

    Hi everyone,

    Due to some planned maintenance, the Online Community will enter a read-only mode between 6:00am and 9:00am on Wednesday 17th March 2021. 

    This means that you will not be able to log in, post or reply on the Online Community during this time. You will still be able to read posts and blogs on the site.

    If you feel you need some support while the Online Community is unavailable, please remember our Support Line

  • Naveed's story living with a rare heart cancer

    Naveed and his wife, Naveen, talk in their mother tongue, Urdu, about Naveed's diagnosis and some of the stigmas still prominent in their community.