Community News

These news items are generated and published by Macmillan's Online Community Team. In this section you’ll find some posts written by the Online Community team in partnership with our Cancer Information Development team. We also feature personal stories from our members.

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Community updates     Cancer Awareness     Tips, ideas and recipes       

Cancer stories     Supporting someone with cancer    Art, photography and creative writing

Latest Posts

  • Waiting for Breast Biopsy Results

    Our breast cancer forum members share their experiences of waiting for biopsy results. It can be a challenging time but our members know how it feels.
  • Welcome back!

    Welcome back to the Online Community!

    The new platform is now live, and we’re so happy to share it with you. So please take a look around!  

    The site looks and feels different, but all your groups and content remain the same. When you log in for the first time, you will be prompted to reset your password for security purposes. Once you’ve reset your password, you’ll be able to log in, explore content and post as…

  • Toxic Positivity - Part Two

    In this blog, we take a second look at toxic positivity and how it has affected people living with cancer.