Living with incurable cancer – Online Community support

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Living with incurable cancer – Online Community support

Macmillan’s Online Community can support you when you have incurable cancer. Only those who have an incurable diagnosis can truly understand how you are feeling, so it can be helpful to connect with others in a similar situation.

If you have an incurable cancer diagnosis, you may find it helpful to join the Living with incurable cancer forum as an additional source of support. The following will introduce you to the group and highlight the emotional support this forum can offer. We will feature discussions and posts from people already posting in this group alongside other sources of support.

Why join the Living with incurable cancer forum?

It's good to connect with people who have a similar cancer type in the other cancer forums so you can support each other through similar treatments and share tips for managing similar side effects. Having access to another space like the Living with Incurable cancer forum can help you process your incurable prognosis and feel less alone with the thoughts and feelings you have.

Introduction to the Living with incurable cancer forum

Finding out that you have incurable cancer might make you think about what is important to you and how you want to live your life. These are common thoughts to have and by joining the Living with incurable cancer forum, you can feel less alone trying to process everything. From daily catch up discussions and conversations about your quality of life, member's of the groups will share their hobbies and interests with you. It’s also a space to share deep emotional thoughts with people who can understand how you are feeling.

This group is a space for you to share what is on your mind. It can be comforting to know that there are others in a similar situation and supporting each other by sharing your personal experiences can make all the difference to your wellbeing.

One member wrote this poem about the Living with Incurable cancer forum and describes the support they have found by connecting with others who also have an incurable cancer diagnosis.

“My club is very special, and no membership fee to pay.
You can only join, after your darkest day,
People here are friendly of that there is no doubt,
and will help you understand what it is all about.

You can shout and scream, they will hear you cry,
and before you know it, someone will appear, and say Hi,

Hold on to them with all your might, they will help you through,
because we are all climbing the mountain in front of you.

The Mountain, it may get steeper, and you start to fall, someone will come along, and hold on to you tight,
and before you know it, you can see the light.

So my club is your club, and pop in any time you need a helping hand,
For a club like this is very elite and only special people, need to apply, and
with the love from everyone, we can reach the top and shout with all your might,
I have done it, I see the light."
Online Community member, Living with incurable cancer forum

What this group means to our Community members

Often members of this group make lasting friendships and support each other through some difficult times. These members share how helpful this part of the Community has been for them and hopefully, it can encourage you to join if you need some extra support. 

Who can access the Living with incurable cancer forum?

Anyone who has an incurable prognosis can request to join the Living with incurable cancer forum. Incurable cancer is often described as treatable but not curable cancer. There’s more information about this on the Macmillan website here.

This group is a little different to our other forums because you have to request to join. This is just to ensure only people who have an incurable diagnosis themselves post in this forum. If you visit the group page and follow the usual steps to join a group, you will then be able to send a request to tell us about your incurable diagnosis. We will approve access to this group as quickly as possible.

If your loved one has received an incurable diagnosis, there is also support for you here on the Online Community. We have the Supporting someone with incurable cancer group for family members and friends to get support.

Read more about looking after yourself and your loved one:

Additional support resources

The specialist teams on the Macmillan Support Line are there to help. To get in touch, please call 0808 808 00 00 from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. They can look at the support available including local support options.

The following may be helpful for you to read:

Click here to join the Living with incurable cancer forum today. 

  • You are so right, no ones truly understands, what it is like ate times, not even you nearest and dearest.

    Though people on the incurables do, another family has been gained, the support, one gets, and gives, is priceless.

    I would not be this far down the winding road, with the incurable group. and the special people that are in it, when we have, at some point, threw our journey, have hit rock bottom. xe 

  • FormerMember

    Great article. It sums up the group very well. Very supportive, friendly folks. As Ellie says, we all understand how each other feels, as we are all in the same position.

  • Hi Guys and Girls, I joined this group today.  I had breast cancer in the left boob in 2000, treated with lumpectomy, 30 zaps radiotherapy, 10 years tamoxifen.  In 2020 it came back in the right boob with metastases in liver, spine and pelvis.  I have been on Palbociclib and Letrozole since Jan 2021 and am doing well.  It is possible to live with cancer and not let it get us down. The shock was worse the first time, the second time I just have to get on with it and do what I want when I want.  

    I am very fortunate in having a wonderful consultant who gives me enough medication to allow me to go on holiday for weeks at a time to get a break.  I try to keep fit by going to Pilates classes for strength and swimming for mobility.  

  • I am new to the group, trying to introduce myself. I struggled to get a face to face GP appointment for what I thought was as trapped nerve (sciatica) and pain. If only. It was metastatic bones cancer. Six months on, I feel lost. The realisation that I will get less than 4 hours/year oncology doctor support, face to face appointment, does not help (one appointment every three months). I had a bad fall recently on the stairs, it was a miracle that I got away with a blow out fracture (one of the five eye orbit bones) only, which does not require surgery and is supposed to heal by itself. But the CT scans to find out if I broke my spine or neck, revealed additional legions to my neck - why on earth did my oncology team not request those CT scans begord, the A&E doctors were bemused. I am afraid. How can I trust my ever changing doctors, seen four times a year, fleetingly, and it seems why did I get only thorax and pelvis scans, but not for the neck or an MRI for the head? What can I do? I am due an injection of cement in