Feeling the need to scream and shout?

3 minute read time.
Feeling the need to scream and shout?

Did you know that today is known as National Scream Day? Scream Who knew such a thing existed?

It got us thinking about how helpful it can be to have a place to express how you are feeling. The Online Community is a safe space for you to talk about how you are coping with people who can understand what you are going through. 

Screaming is often associated with letting go of negative emotions and talking about how you feel when you are worried, stressed, sad and angry. Expressing your emotions can help support your emotional well-being. 

Now we don’t want everyone to go around screaming at each other, but we did want to provide an opportunity for you to share your frustrations and possibly ‘SCREAM ONLINE’ in The Room. It's a space on the Community where you can rant and rage and then close the door and leave it behind.

How can you scream online?

  • You can type in CAPITALS

  •  Add exclamation marks !!!

  • Use emoticons  ScreamCryRageSobGrinningGreen heartHeart eyes

After letting it all out with a healthy scream, you may feel the need for a chat with the teams on the Macmillan Support Line to help you process some of what you are feeling. They are available to help 7 days a week from 8am - 8pm on 0808 808 00 00, email or live webchat.

The doors of our Emotional support forum are always open if you need to connect with others who know how you are feeling. 

Screaming can also be positive.

Have you had some good news you want to shout about? Share your positive stories here on the Community.  It can often bring hope to others who have just been diagnosed, going through treatment and coping with side effects. 

Share your positive stories in the comment box below or in the forums you have joined.
