Are you looking for some hope?

3 minute read time.
Are you looking for some hope?

It can be a challenge to feel hopeful during a difficult time so in today’s blog, we are sharing lots of hope from the Community. Although some members may not feel very hopeful with their personal circumstances, we hope the following will offer some reassurance, inspiration and positivity.

The word hope was used 1846 times on the Community last month. In a short space of time, it shows how often people come to the Community to find and offer reassurance and hope when facing difficult times.

Dealing with the uncertainty of cancer can induce a hopelessness feeling. You may be worried that your treatment might not work and fear what the future may bring. It’s not uncommon to feel this way you are not alone. 

If your hopeless feelings are getting stronger and you are struggling to cope, it may be time to speak to a professional. The Macmillan Support Line has teams on hand to offer support every day from 8am to 8pm. Get in touch by calling 0808 808 00 00 today. 

Posting in our Community forums can provide comfort when you are worried as there’s people close by willing to help and support you through the same journey they have experienced. Even if you need a place to express how you are feeling or ask questions, we are glad you have found the Community.


Get involved with Macmillan’s HOPE courses

Some cancer centres and organisations run face to face Help to Overcome Problems Effectively (HOPE) courses for people living with or after cancer. Your specialist nurse, cancer doctor or information centre may be able to give you information about courses in your area.

Macmillan has launched a NEW Online HOPE course and to find out more details, visit the ‘What’s happening at Macmillan forum’.

‘Wellspring’ one of our Community members, shared their experience with attending the HOPE (Help Overcoming Problems Effectively) course. Click here to read what they thought of the course and how it helped them.

Online HOPE course information leaflet(2) (2).pdf
    • Hi there , feeling a bit worried at the moment , I had a chest infection with shortness of breath and a cough  which seemed to clear up  but now I have the cough back , is it due to infection i had or is it due to the ? Recurrance of lung cancer , I have my first ct scan on 23rd ( first one since radiotherapy ended ) and see oncologist next month for results but it seems so long to wait especially with this cough  
  • Hi Sassay,

    It’s Megan here from the Online Community team. I am so sorry to hear you have had a chest infection recently, the cough coming back has clearly caused some concern. I am not able to give medical advice as I am not clinically trained and wouldn't want to give you any incorrect information. With any concerning symptom, we would always advise you to speak with your GP/health care team who can provide medical advice.

    If you need some specialist support and would like to speak to the Nurses and Support advisers here at Macmillan, you are welcome to post in our Ask an Expert section or contact the Macmillan Support Line. They will be able to provide trusted information and answer any questions you have.

    To get in touch on the Support Line, please call 0808 808 00 00 from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. You are also welcome to send an email or use live webchat during the opening hours.

    From looking at your profile I can see that you have recently been posting in the Lung cancer forum. I hope it’s been helpful for you to connect with others who share similar experiences. It’s natural to worry about a recurrence and it is something members often talk about on the Community, so you are not alone.

    I hope the above makes sense and helps you find the information and support you are looking for. Please do let us know if you have any questions or need any help using the Online Community. You can contact the Online Community team every day by sending a private message to the Moderator account, or by emailing

    Best wishes 

    Macmillan's Online Community team