"And though she be but little, she is fierce." - Meet the Champs: LexiT7

4 minute read time.

 Meet the Champs: LexiT7" written in white over a beach at sunset

Following last month's 'Meet the Champs' Q&A with latchbrook, this month we meet LexiT7, who became a Champ just a couple of months back. You'll find LexiT7 champing our Breast cancer and Family and friends groups, as well as welcoming newbies to the Community in our New to the Community group – and giving them a ‘nudge’ in the right direction when they need it.

Before the Q&A though, I thought I’d share a bit of feedback that recently came in for LexiT7:

“…thank you from the bottom of heart for your beautiful words they made me cry happy tears that a stranger could be so lovely and caring. Your mum must be so proud of you, she has raised such a wonderful daughter…I wish you and your mum all my love, take care of each other. Make lots of lovely memories.”

A photograph of LexiT7 and her family, smiling at the camera and surrounded by trees

  1. How long have you been using the Community, and what brought you here? 

I have been using the Community since October 2018. I came here initially to find out more information, due to my mum being diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer on the 13th of November. Before she got diagnosed I scouted about for information ‘just in case’. A few days after her diagnosis, I began swatting up on chemotherapy, breast surgery etc. Using all of the Macmillan information. I then wanted to do something to help Macmillan as a charity, and with my own personal health issues not allowing me to do the conventional kinds of fundraising, the community, and becoming a community champ meant the world to me.

  1. What’s been your Community highlight to date?

Ah, I can’t name one alone! Meeting all the other champs is a huge highlight, and Mike (Thehighlander) looked after me, and still does as I’m the baby of the group – which I appreciate so much. But my other highlights are just any time I feel like I’m helping someone feel less alone. It’s amazing to find someone who can really relate to how you’re feeling and the emotions you’re going through, so when I can be that person for someone, it makes my day.

“And though she be but little, she is fierce”

  1. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

The quote that’s in my signature, “And though she be but little, she is fierce”. Not so much advice, but my mum always told me to remember this through every dark day with my own illness – it’s become my little mantra to repeat when I’m not feeling so strong.

"I’m a family member of someone living with cancer right now, and this place feels like home to me."

  1. If you could offer one piece of advice to a Community newbie (patient, family member, friend or carer), what would it be?

You’ve came to the best place! Haha. For anyone joining the Community, you really have. We are always here, any time of day, and even if you don’t want to post personally, the information and posts of others will help you immensely. I’m a family member of someone living with cancer right now, and this place feels like home to me.

  1. Who’s your hero and why?

I’m going to break the rules here...I have two! My mum and my grandpa. My mum, because she raised me alone, at a young age, and I never went without, I got double the love, memories and fun days out from mum alone. She’s also been the person I can tell everything to, she’s my diary, best friend, sister and mum rolled into one. And the battle she’s fighting right now, somehow makes me even more proud of her, something I didn’t even know was possible before. And my grandpa, because he took the place of my dad. He’s always been my rock, he makes me smile when nothing else can, and at the end of each day I know, and think to myself that they are both there for me, and my life am I lucky to have them both. My heroes.

  1. Tell us random fact about yourself.

OK, random facts about me, I’m actually Buddhist! And I have a rare genetic disorder that even doctors don’t know of when I tell them about it!

In case any members or users of the Community weren't totally sure what a Community Champion is, our Champs are a group of dedicated Community members who've volunteered to keep an extra close eye on the site for us. Our Champs welcome new members to the Community, ensure they're comfortable using the site, offer fantastic support and show members in the direction of appropriate groups, and further support when it's needed.
