Feeling very isolated

1 minute read time.

I posted a few days ago, but no-one has commented or left a message.

I know my form of luekaemia is very rare. And most of the 300 of us with CMML in the UK are male and over 70. Maybe they aren't on this site? I'm 53 and female. I kept my diagnosis to myself for a long time. I didn't see any point in worrying other people when there was nothing to be done.

But I would so love to be able to talk to someone with the same disease - or even someone else. There is currently no treatment for CMML, but those around me who know about my illness keep wondering why I am not being given any treatmant. It's really hard to make them understand.

Last week, I had to see my GP (query enlarged spleen). Turns out I should have been receiving free prescriptions since diagnosis! So - the rest of you - make sure you get your medical exemption certificate! (It was a bit odd filling out the medical exemption form. The only appropriate option was "receiving treatment for cancer", which doesn't apply to me, as there is no treatment!)

I am very lucky with my friends. I have a great support network. But I really don't want to burden them with my problems. My mother has dementia and, sadly, is not able to offer the kind of support I need.

Is there anyone else out there?

  • FormerMember
    Hi Obuffrey I dont have CMML but wondered if you have been in touch with Leukemia Care? They have a 24 hour helpline 08088 010 444. They have a one to one phone buddy scheme where they will try and match you with someone with the same condition.
  • FormerMember

    Hi obuffrey,

    I'm sorry to hear you haven't had any response from anyone with your cancer type. It must feel very isolating to have such a rare type. If you join and post in some of our luekaemia groups here on the Online Community, you will have a better chance of a response from someone with CMML. If not, you may also find that it helps to share things with members with other forms of luekaemia. Here are some groups you may be interested in:



  • FormerMember

    Hi there

     Sorry you have had no response.  CMML isn't the same type of leukaemia as many on this forum will have. Maybe that's why? I also have CMML - diagnosed 4 years ago but convinced that I have had progressive bone marrow failure for about 6 years before that ( repeated cellulitis infections). I was 58 when diagnosed and 62 now.  Enlarged spleen, low neuts and platelets - though red cells holding up well thank goodness.  No real symptoms as yet but obviously anxious.  I am involved with MDS UK as CMML is a sub-type of myelodysplastic syndromes.  See www.mdspatientsupport..org.uk   There is a sub-group on the discussion forum for CMML.


    Would be more than happy to discuss impact of CMML with you - though I don't find this Forum particularly easy to navigate and therefore don't visit very often.  For what it's worth, I have read that there was a particular drug which could be used if you had the JAK 2 gene issue? Are you at a Centre of excellence for MDS?  It's such a rare disease that it's best to go where they have the most recent knowledge.


    Hope to hear from you soon



  • FormerMember

    It must be awful to feel isolated and in such a minority with no treatment. I myself was diagnosed a few years ago with common old colon cancer but still a big blow to say the least.

    Just wanted to send you best wishes and hope you find the support and information you are searching.

    Take care

    Jan x

  • FormerMember

    I am so very glad to find you. I also have CMML. I was diagnosed about a year ago and am now scheduled for a bone marro transplant next month. Frankly I'm scared and would love to have someone to talk to. My wife is great support but 1) I hate to add any more stress on her, honestly being the caretaker may be worse than haveing the disease, and 2) I think it would be easier and very helpful to talk to someone in in the same boat as it were. Hope to hear back from you.
