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I have been taking Glivec for 3months now, thought it was going smoothly, then this month my body was going crasy, I had rash every where, itching in all my body could not sleep. My body was burning with heat and then suddenly it slows down then goes again and again.. My hands starts to have some spots then get redish and then rash rash,,, Do not know what to expect.


  • FormerMember

    HI Satanay

    I have just read this post from September last year.  I have CML.  This April will be the tenth year I have fought this battle.

    I was diagnosed in 2002, just when I thought life could not get any better.  With that news, my entire world collapsed around me, as did my husband and family.  So I had to pick myself up and support my family and my husband as they could just not come to terms with  the disease.

    I started on Interferon for about 18 months till I started reacting negatively to the treatment and counts started climbing.  In July 2003 I started on Glivec, the side effects were varied in symptoms and reactions but after years started getting easier to manage.

    In 2007 my husband filed for divorce and I ended up living with my parents, then left SA and came to the UK and travelled Europe. I think with all the stress post divorce and uncertainty in my future my counts started to climb and my Glivec dose was increased.

    In September 2009 I started reacting badly to Glivec, I felt terrible all the time, and my counts were climbing steadily.  I was given a welcome break from Glivec for a month or so and started taking NIlotinib in April 2010.  As far as treatment goes I cannot look back.

    There are good days and bad days, and right all my days feel bad.  But I promise you it gets easier on Glivec and if it does not suit you there are other drugs out there.  Shout any time am happy to 'chat'. I am not my own best friend right now, but being needed is a great feeling.

    You hang in there.
