CMLL patients expereince

  • Strugle


    I have been taking Glivec for 3months now, thought it was going smoothly, then this month my body was going crasy, I had rash every where, itching in all my body could not sleep. My body was burning with heat and then suddenly it slows down then goes again and again.. My hands starts to have some spots then get redish and then rash rash,,, Do not know what to expect.


  • Loanly


    I hate the feling of loanliness, even the manger of the place i live surprised me that she has rented the flat without sending me any notice, dont know what to do,, am struglling, cannot afford a soliciter,

    Every thing sees to go against me, I cannot focus on my study, I feel vulnearble,

  • frightened


    Am new diagnised patient with CML. AM veru frightened, my While blod cells count are down an very frightened to get infection, what can i do , how to react, am using Glivec, what options i have