Cleo vs. Ocular Melanoma

  • Good news!


    April 2012 - Results Round 2

    I've had the results through from the hospital, no metastasis, and the surrounding tissues that were removed from my eye were not infected so I'm in the clear. Just back for a check up in four months and periodically after that I assume.

    I've been very lucky!

    I hope this helps anyone else who is awaiting results. Unfortunately I've found the internet is filled with too many…

  • The story so far...


    I've been looking around the site at various blogs and discussions and I found it quite comforting to read other experiences so I thought I would do the same. Maybe hopefully it will comfort someone else one day, or at least let them know what to expect should they have a similar diagnosis to mine.

    December 2012 - Opticians

    I applied for a volunteering job, and part of the application was a general health check…