Plodding on!

1 minute read time.
Well, here we are...can't believe dad's been in hospital almost a month now. He's still feeling pretty good in himself, the only problem is his temperature which keeps going up and down like a yo-yo!! He was already having quite a lot of antibiotics and the docs decided that the problem could be coming from a fungal infection, so added another antibiotic to try combat that! I think dad's had more antibiotics these last few days than he's ever had in his life! It does look like it may be working (fingers crossed!) as his temperature has been more stable today than the last 5 days! The anti-biotics are making him quite blotchy, but other than that he's doing well. His hair started falling out big style these last couple of days & mum says the rest of his hair has gone a lovely silver grey and makes him look quite distinguished!! Today he has had his bone marrow test done (results to come wednesday) by the bone marrow butcher!!! The first guy who did it was great and he didn't feel a thing, but the lady who did it today was a bit heavy handed, he says & made the sheet stick to him with the blood!! He said maybe she was hormonal!(He still has his sense of humour!!) Yesterdays blood test showed that neutrophils were up..but todays said they were down - apparently a 'false dawn' as the docs put it!! Though the doctors still seem pleased and say that everything is looking in the right direction. Oh, and the hospital is closed to visitors...again! Some other virus doing the rounds. Hope it will be ok to visit at the weekend x
  • FormerMember

    Hope you can vist him soon .So many hosp closing to vistors because of these bugs going around. Waiting to see if my hubbys hair falls out not that he has a lot to loose .
