on the up again!

1 minute read time.
After a few days of being really down in the dumps, dad has now regained his bright and optimistic spirit. It was quite upsetting hearing him so obviously down - probably like most people, I was always used to dad being the strong one! I think my brother made dad's day at the weekend when he took in a get well card that he had managed to get the players from Norwich City Football Club to sign with messages of best wishes. Dad has been a life-long fan of the team and until his diagnosis had held a season ticket every year!! (Though looking at their place in the league this season, you might question his sanity on that one!!) He seems to be doing very well after this second cycle of chemo and the doctors said yesterday that they were 'cautiously optimistic' about his blood results, which is as good as we could hope for! Hopefully, all being well he might be able to go home again for a while in a week or so and return to the clinic to have his next bone marrow biopsy done. He's finding it incredibly frustrating being in his room looking out at the lovely spring sunshine and I know it will really cheer him up if he is able to get out in his garden at home and enjoy it! So for now we are just playing the waiting game.......! Oh, and the hiccups seem to have gone now (he's rather pleased about that)
  • Hi Clare,

    Glad to hear things are looking up - I think the spring weather makes us all feel a little more positive but it's a shame your dad can't feel the sun on his face just yet. Treasure the good days... the good moments... the lack of hiccough days!

    Take care,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Clare I was just thinking about you dad last night. I am pleased his mood is improving I am sure it is the fact that they are cooped up for so long, it certainly was never good for Bert. Hope he can get home soon and back into his garden once more before the next session. Thinking of you all

    Love Teri

  • FormerMember

    Hi Clare,

    Just popping by to see how your dad is doing. Has he been ok through the second lot of chemo?

    Has he been allowed home yet?

    All the best to him.

    Binnie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Binnie

    Thanx for your kind thoughts.  Yes, dad has coped brilliantly with the second lot of chemo and is now home at last!!  The doctors say they are 'cautiously optimistic' at this point as his results are as positive as they could be!  We couldn't ask for better just now!  Clare x