Hiccups & Down Days

1 minute read time.
Dad has now finished his second cycle of chemotherapy and had little in the way of side effects...the most annoying being recurring hiccups and heartburn!! He feels very lucky if that's all the side effects he gets. He's now waiting for the bloods to go flat and will stay in hospital until he bounces back. The other effect that he finds most frustrating is the tiredness and complete lack of energy...especially as he was used to being so active all the time. He is trying to keep in focus that this will improve once treatment is finished as you can't expect your body to be hit with such powerful drugs and not feel assaulted (and insulted!)!! Spoke to mum today to find out that dad has had quite a down day today & was quite tearful on her arrival at visiting time. He told her that the doctors today mentioned Bone Marrow Transplant and getting his blood tested to see if he could be a suitable candidate for the treatment. It seems as if he is fretting because it had not been mentioned to him before, and he's wondering why now?? From what I understand, it seems as if they have mentioned it now as it can take time to get him on the register and find a match. So it seems to me they are covering their bases & options should they need it. At the moment it seems as if the chemo is doing it's job and - fingers crossed - could put dad into remission this time. He has been doing so, so well up to now and has managed to keep really positive. The thing is, I don't think you can go through something like this WITHOUT having down days...it's the nature of the beast, I guess. I hope he can stay strong...he's been incredible so far. Tomorrow is another day x
  • FormerMember

    hi there just wanted to say that my dad had bad hicups when he was diagnosised with lung cancer ,i know its a different cancer but the dr finally after five days of hicuping which is very tireing put him on a drug call carzamasapine the spelling may be  incorrect but thats how its pronounced it stopped the hicups totaly it is a drug thats used for other things as well but if the hicups are really bad its worth having a word with the drs because its destressing to see someone you love hicuping all the time plus its uncomfortable for them .also he may need something for the heartburn like lansopasole or gaviscon sorry my spelling is not the best . i hope this helps love n hugs theresa xxx