My Dad

1 minute read time.

Gosh, don't know where to start.  I've been using this site for a while now.  Have beaten breast cancer (I hope). Now my dad, who has always been a healthy, non meat eater, non-smoker, occasional drinker has been diagnosed with secondary liver cancer.  I have spoken to my GP today who tells me that that dad's CT scan has confirmed what they have been worried about (primary bowel?). She doesn't want to say until dad has spoken with the consultant on Monday..

Dad doesn't know any of this.  I am devastated as the GP is talking about palliative treatment and Macmillan care etc before we have even discussed any possible treatment.

My dad is very poorly.  He is sleeping most of the day and hardly eating or drinking at all, but I am looking for some positive comments.  He is generally a very fit 68 year old and the doctor at the hospital told him she recognises that he has been very fit so I am hoping this will stand him in good stead.

I am just very concerned that he is almost bed-ridden these days.  Is there any hope for him? I know that liver problems causes sleepiness, but am scared to ask questions in case I am told the worst, I think I need some hope to cling to.

I have been reading some encouraging information on the macmillan cancer site and hope that the docs will offer some sort of treatment.  I will keep you posted, but hope in the meantime I will receive some encouragment.

Thanks for reading this.  Best wishes to you all, Christine xx



  • FormerMember

    hi christine... good luck for your dad xoxoxo

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Liz.  He has an appointment with the macmillan nurse tomorrow who is going to discuss treatment with him.  The district nurses popped in today to introduce themselves.  He has been asleep all day today as usual, but I bullied him into having dinner tonight.  He ate chicken casserole with mashed potatoes then had some custard.  I am so proud of him.  He has also had two of the high calorie shakes the dietician gave him and I added cream and ice cream to them to boost the calorie content.

    We had a good night tonight.  He was in a chirpy mood and we had a good laugh.  

    I hope things go well tomorrow.  It gives me a bit more hope when he is up and looking brighter.

  • Hi Christine

    So glad your Dad is managing to eat something and is in good spirits.

    Used to love my strawberry milk shakes when I was on chemo. Still have one occasionally when the mood takes me.

    Lots of love

    Sue xxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Well dad had an appointment with the colorectal nurse yesterday who told him that surgery would not cure him so they would be starting oral chemotherapy, but he has to have a colonoscopy first.  When I explained that he is very weak at the moment and concerned that the preparation he has to take before the scope would take it out of him, she spoke to the doc who agreed that since dad is anaemic they would take him in today and transfuse him while giving him the laxative in preparation for tomorrow.

    Well an hour and a half before he was due to be there the nurse phoned and said that they had cancelled his scope for tomorrow and would not be transfusing him with no explanation as to why.

    The scope has now to take place next wednesday. I am so angry, I think it is because they don;t have a bed for him and can't understand why they won't give him a blood transfusion.  He has badly needed one for a while.

    When I told the nurse yesterday dad is a bit shaky when he stands for a while, she kept saying, oh he's breathless, well I'll get them to check his upper respiratory area.  When told, about 7 times between dad and I that breathlessness is NOT something he has ever suffered from she kept insisting until we gave up.

    He was referred to Out Patients to have a blood test where the doctor said, I hear you are suffering breathlessness WHAT????? Dad had to insist that the nurse had got the wrong end of the stick.

    Anyway, I managed to get dad to eat a lot today. In fact, he has been asking for food. Great!

    Having an early night tonight, so will update you soon.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Dad finally got admitted to hospital on Tuesday, after a wrangle when they said they didn't have a bed for him. Had a word with them and a bed was found within half an hour.

    He had the colonoscopy on Wednesday and they tried to fit a stent, but the tumour is growing upwards so this proved difficult.  They took him for barium gastroscopy on Thursday to see if there is any possibility of fitting the stent.  No results yet so they have sent him home for the weekend. Back on Monday at 9am for more tests.

    They have put him on morphine which I was surprised at as he only has muscular pain, but we have to trust their wisdom don't we. They have told him they will take him back off it next week.

    He has been put on steroids and what a difference in him.  He is eating and is a lot more awake and chatty. I have been asking for steroids for him for weeks now, but GP didn't want to interfere in case oncologist wanted to start dad on his own prescription.  He hasn't seen the onc yet, but the palliative care nurse got them started.  It's so good to see him a lot more alert and more like the dad I know.

    I feel a bit better for now, but know all the hassle begins again on Monday, so we will have to make the most of the weekend.