My Dad

1 minute read time.

Gosh, don't know where to start.  I've been using this site for a while now.  Have beaten breast cancer (I hope). Now my dad, who has always been a healthy, non meat eater, non-smoker, occasional drinker has been diagnosed with secondary liver cancer.  I have spoken to my GP today who tells me that that dad's CT scan has confirmed what they have been worried about (primary bowel?). She doesn't want to say until dad has spoken with the consultant on Monday..

Dad doesn't know any of this.  I am devastated as the GP is talking about palliative treatment and Macmillan care etc before we have even discussed any possible treatment.

My dad is very poorly.  He is sleeping most of the day and hardly eating or drinking at all, but I am looking for some positive comments.  He is generally a very fit 68 year old and the doctor at the hospital told him she recognises that he has been very fit so I am hoping this will stand him in good stead.

I am just very concerned that he is almost bed-ridden these days.  Is there any hope for him? I know that liver problems causes sleepiness, but am scared to ask questions in case I am told the worst, I think I need some hope to cling to.

I have been reading some encouraging information on the macmillan cancer site and hope that the docs will offer some sort of treatment.  I will keep you posted, but hope in the meantime I will receive some encouragment.

Thanks for reading this.  Best wishes to you all, Christine xx



  • Hi Christine

    So sorry to hear your Dad's diagnosis. Hope they can find some treatment for him.


    Sue xxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine, sorry to hear the news - it so often seems to strike families more than once, doesn't it?

    Let's hope the visit to the consultant on Monday isn't all doom and gloom, and there is some treatment he can have.  Good luck, Jeanie x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Sue and Jeanie. Hope you are both well.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine, im so sorry to hear that your dad is so poorly and can really empathise with your concerns because Joe is in much the same predicament at the moment.  You dont say whether your dad is on any medication at the moment that may be making him lethargic - if he is it is certainly worth seeing if it can be 'adjusted'.  I keep a bottle of water or juice by Joes bed and encourage him to take sips every time he wakes up, that way I know how much fluid hes getting.  You could try smoothies or enshakes to keep his energy levels up if he will tolerate them. I believe there is always hope, you will hear things you dont want to hear but I personally concentrate on dealing with the things I can do something about.  Improving fluid intake by even a small amount may seem minor but it is a positive step in the right direction. You may find that once your dad has seen the consultant on monday it may give him some encouragement to start fighting - I remember feeling so frustrated with Joe at times but as soon as he knew the truth he just said if you had told me before I would have taken it more seriously and tried harder.  Sorry I cant be of more use to you but please know that I am thinking of you and your dad and wishing you lots of luck for monday.

    Zoe xx

  • hi, sorry to hear about your dad. My mum was picked up following a bowel screen,with a spread to her liver.Three tumours on her liver with two more suspicious areas! she too was very fit and we kept hopeful although we knew the medics had to work on stats. She has responded well to chemo and we are waiting on futher surgical intervention. Hope this helps a little. Take care