
1 minute read time.

Dad was taken into hospital yesterday in preparation for a colonoscopy today.  When we arrived they didn't have a bed for him until I stuck my oar in and explained that he had cancer and couldn't sit about in a waiting room all day.

He has bowel cancer with spread to the liver and possibly the lungs, newly diagnosed.  We have been told that surgery is not an option as it will not cure him, but they will probably be giving chemotherapy.  The colonoscopy is to determine what type of cancer it is so they can treat it accordingly.

I am confused as dad has told the medical staff repeatedly that he is not in any pain, which they seem to find unbelievable.  He has been in bed sleeping a lot for a few weeks now and does suffer from muscular pain which he has been taking co-codamol for, but the doctor explained yesterday that they would have to prescribe something else as the codeine is helping to constipate dad.  Fair enough, but when I called today to find out how he was, I was told he was doing fine and had had two doses of morphine by mid-day.

I asked dad about that when I visited in the afternoon and he was just as puzzled as me.  It seems a bit drastic prescribing morphine for muscle pain.  I'm wondering if they are being presumptious as to the extent of his pain.  I will be questioning this when I see him tomorrow, but wondered if anybody else had experienced anything like this?

I would be grateful for any comments anyone has.  Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    hi christine

    i am with you- why morphine? definately ask.

  • FormerMember


    When mum had her lungs drained in casualty, they gave her morphine after, she was on it a few days, as I understand, it did not just stop pain it also allowed her body to relax while other medication was working......I'd still ask, they really should be clear about what meds they are giving and why....


  • FormerMember

    Hi I am new to this but felt I must comment about morphine which seems top be given randomly in my experience. My husband has secondary liver cancer. He is currently in pain and no one seems to be able to find out where its coming from. Initially it was felt that there might be a spread to his bones but this hasnt been proved. He was put on morphine about two months ago and over the last two weeks the pain has got worse and the GP thought his liver was enlarged and that he could feel nodules. Oh just double the morphine and you can go for an ultra sound. That happened today and the radiographist couldnt see any sign of swelling or nodules so he carries on with double morphine three times a day until someone gets in touch and statrs other investigations. The pain continues and her becomes a zombie. What would you do I am lost and confused

  • FormerMember

    Thank you all for your comments.  I asked dad tonight if he knew any more why they were giving him morphine and he said not really but he remembered some mumbled explanation about helping the pain in his legs.  His muscles have been really sore and because he has been mostly bedridden for a while his muscles have become quite weak.  He was a lot brighter tonight.  Probably a combination of the morphine and the steroids they have started him on.

    Like you daleswaygirl, I worry that he will become tolerant to the morphine and require higher doses, so where do we stand.  I will probably discuss this with the community macmillan nurse when dad gets home.  He told me today that he does not want to know biopsy results or prognosis, just them let them get on with treating him, so I don't want to be delving too much while he is in hospital.

    Will definitely let you all know how things go, but I don't think dad should be on morphine at this early stage, although it does make me wonder if things are as early stage as we imagine.  Still don't think morphine should be an option though, I think they should have tried other painkillers before they got to this stage as dad definitely didn't have any pain caused by the cancer.

    I'm not the type to take things lying down, so will be making my voice heard lol.

    Thanks again to all of you who replied, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Well, at last one doctor has taken notice that dad is being given morphine and asked why as he hasn't complained of any pain.  He told her he didn't know why so she said he didn't have to take it if he didn't want so and she would be stopping it anyway.

    It seems to me that as soon as they heard he was a cancer patient, they paged the  palliative care nurse who prescribed morphine with oromorph for breakthrough pain???????? and then vanished off the face of the earth.

    Thankfully, there are still some doctors who are on the ball.