teenagers, early mornings and bad moods......

Less than one minute read time.

it's been a week since my radio therapy and Ms tiredness is paying a visit.....I've been sleeping probably about 12 hours of the day....

i don't mind because there's something about the power of sleep and healing....

But, at the moment I've still been getting up and dressed in the morning.....and if I can..I'm sure son number 2 can make the effort...

So I wake him at 6.30...have my brekkie, then disappear into my book ( the hobbit, my happy place.)..

8 o'clock...ex husband turns up to take son to college....when I'm sat in me dressing gown looking like death warmed up, the last person I wish to converse with is my ex..!! .....

10 minutes of uncomfortableness later....down comes son.....saying...

'' I was under the impression that somebody was going to wake me up this morning....''

so my question is....how big a stick can i use to thump him with next time without getting arrested....??

  • FormerMember

    Hello Chansey. Get him one of those horrendous alarm clocks ( with the two bells at the top ) stick it in a big tin, set alarm for morning and place the whole lot away from his bed so that he has to get up to turn the annoying thing off ! Maybe that would work ? !

    Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Chansey

    Wonderful idea Joycee.  Failing that throw a pan of cold water over him!

    Much love,

    Nin xxx

  • Hi Chansey 

    get all the Tolken books in one volume it makes a very hefty tome then throw it at him but be careful as it may have the opposite effect and knock him unconscious for a week 


    Scraton xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi, Chansey,

    Teenagers, don'tcha just love 'em ! Are we talking 13, or 19, here ? Big difference.

    Tomorrow morning, try taking him a cuppa, give him a shake - at least until he responds verbally ! - then throw open his curtains, open the window and rip his quilt off him !

    He WILL wake up !! Probably moan like mad, too. Explain to him that he has a choice - either he takes responsibility for himself, sets his alarm, and gets up, or he can expect more of the same, the next day ! It's his choice, and he can exercise it to his advantage. He needs to start understanding that you're not particularly well [ ! ], and he is adding to your problem, then ask him if he's happy about adding to your problems ?

    Emotional blackmail ? Damn right it is !

    Best of luck, Chansey !

    Ian x

  • FormerMember

    ha ha....good ideas every one...

    i think its going to be the big alarm clock treatment....!!

    hiya ian.....he's 18....

    love and hugs   jackie xx